

  /  Humanities


Humanities as an academic discipline is the oldest area of study in the world dealing with certain important problems pertaining to human beings and also dealing with important questions relating to human beings such as who we are, where we come from, and what we ought to do. It deals with human nature, human behaviour and political and social values. Hence, Humanities as a field of study encompasses a wide range of disciplines like religious studies, ethics, aesthetics, literary studies, sociology and politics, and psychology etc. It provides the individual with an opportunity for personal development and the understanding of others. Realizing this ever increasing the importance of the subjects of Humanities for the students, a separate department of Humanities has been established at CUI Abbottabad

The Humanities Department at CUI Abbottabad consists of faculty members who are committed to provide each student with the multidisciplinary knowledge, skills and experience that provide a humanistic dimension to otherwise technical programs of study offered by CUI Abbottabad. The department takes care of the following disciplines: –

  • Functional English
  • Islamic studies
  • Pakistan studies
  • International Relations
  • Psychology
  • Sociology
  • Corporate Law 
  • Elective subjects that include Arabic and French.

In addition to academic studies, the Department is also engaged in holding co-curricular activities like declamation contests, seminars and discussions forums that boost the students’ creative and aesthetic faculties. The department involves the students in different intellectual exercises such as imaginative pursuits, as well as the problem-solving and critical-thinking skills needed to succeed in their professional lives thereby ensuring that students are not mere recipients of information but rather active agents of learning thoroughly and are aware of the importance of learning and its application in practical life.