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  /  News   /  Seerat Conference was held on Wednesday, November 06, 2024

Seerat Conference was held on Wednesday, November 06, 2024

Seerah (النبی صلی الله علیه وسلم) Society, COMSATS University Islamabad, Abbottabad Campus has organized the Seerat Conference event on Wednesday, November 06, 2024 at 10:00 to 13:00 hours in Haroon Rasheed Auditorium under National Rehmat-Ul-Lil Almeen Celebrations 1446 AH. The event is part of the instructions by Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of Pakistan letter F. No 02(03)/2024-Coord dated September 10, 2024 in response to the instructions from Ministry of Religious affairs and Interfaith Harmony letter No. F 2(4)/2024-DD (S)-Misc dated September 05, 2024.

Mr. Syed Suleman Ahmer, CEO of Timelender and Mostar Institutes, trainer and Life couch of international repute was the honorable the guest speaker. The topic of the talk was “The Maturity Model based on the Seerah of Prophet Muhammad صلی الله علیه وسلم. For institutional and individual Growth and Change” A large number of Faculty members, students, and other employees of the campus attended the event. The event started with the recitation from Holy Quran followed by Naat e Rasool صلی الله علیه وسلم.

Convener, Dr. Jamil Anwar introduced the objectives and the mandate of Seerah Society and emphasized that we have to make our daily life practices in line an d relevant to the life of Prophet Muhammad صلی الله علیه وسلم. For this purpose, such events and interactions with the eminent scholars are necessary to reinforce the teachings and practices of the Prophet صلی الله علیه وسلم. He thanked the Campus Director, efforts of Seerah صلی الله علیه وسلم Society team, students, and all administrative staff for their patronage and support for organizing this event.

Core: The foundation of the maturity is based on the ideology, ultimate purpose, vision of life, and the purpose of the vision. The sound the ideology, the greater the purpose will be. Where Ideology denotes our beliefs and principles; Ultimate Purpose is the reason for our existence or why Allah (SWT) created us; Ultimate Vision is a vision that is independent of time and is the picture of the future that we would like to create in the long term and the Purpose of the vision is the answer to why we would like to create this picture of the future. 

 Character: Character traits are our intrinsic personality attributes like Honesty, Integrity, Modesty, Taqwa (being mindful of Allah (SWT)), Ahsan (goodness), Itqan (Excellence), Trustworthiness, Courage, Generosity, Reliance, Respectfulness, and so on. 

Competence covers knowledge and skills (abilities). The combination of these three components will make a person mature. He further explained that there are three categories of people based on this maturity model:

Category A: People whose maturity age is greater than their physical age. These are the Leaders

Category B: These are the people whose age and maturity is same. They are good followers

Category C: These are the people whose maturity is less than their physical age. They are the strugglers

The Director COMSATS Abbottabad Campus, Merit Professor Imtiaz Ali Khan in his concluded remarks thanked the guest speaker for his time and enlightened session. Professor Imtiaz Ali Khan concept of finality of Prophet Hood (ختم نبوت) and explained that Islam as a religion and code of life encompasses a ll the aspect of human life for all times and the solution of all problems. He lamented about the current situation of the Ummah despite having the guidance from Quran and Sunnah. He emphasized that the conferences with the name of Allah Conference and Quran Conference should also be held beside Seerah Conference. He reiterated his full support for such activities regard. He concluded that the only way to move forward and lead the world again is to follow the life of Muhammad صلی الله علیه وسلم in true letter and spirit.

In the end, Souvenir was presented to the honorable guest and a group photo was taken with the faculty, students and organizers of the event. The Seerah (النبی صلی الله علیه وسلم) Society, COMSATS University Islamabad, Abbottabad Campus team comprises the following: