
Message from Head of CADR

  /    /  Message from Head of CADR

Welcome to the Centre of Advanced Drug Research (CADR) at COMSATS University. Through our website you can insight the innovative and collaborative work at CADR. At CADR we study the crucially important topics in science. They advance it, rather than just learning about it.The type of research being done defines the institution status so it plays a key role in the development of the institution. Our research group has contributed a lot in this regard. I am devoted to strengthen the splendid work contributed to the foundation of our research group.

In order to prepare our students to tackle different sought of problems intheir research work we give them a strong qualitative and quantitative background which is the basis for their success to obtain good results.

Undergraduate and master students are also incorporated along with our PhD students to work on the research projects so that they can learn well about research and its protocols.Our research group is recognized internationally and is conducted by basic scientists.

We are collaborating with major universities in Pakistan and world wide.Our main aim is to attract research students nationally and internationally to come and work with us and to provide a supportive research environment in which scholars, at every stage of their career, can flourish and develop and to make sure that our research work is beneficial for the society.

For more information on our research work please keeping on checking our website.

Dr. Jamshed Iqbal (T.I)

Professor & Head
Centre for Advanced Drug Research (CADR)
COMSATS Institute of Information Technology