

Environment & Development Projects

S.# Project Title Sector Location Brief description Donor
1. Skills for Biogas Plants Skill Development District Bahawalnagar, Bahawalpur, Khaneval – Punjab Practical training of 625 Supervisors and Masons by constructing 50 Biogas plants on 25 various locations of 3 Districts in Punjab Province Punjab Skill Development Fund (PSDF)
2. Solid waste management in District Bagh (AJK) Environment AJK Solid waste management system, capacity building of LGRDD, community awareness EU
3. Maize Hybrids for Hilly Areas of North-Western Regions of Pakistan Environment /Agri District Abbottabad Development and Release of Indigenous Maize Hybrids for Hilly Areas of North-Western Regions of Pakistan Pakistan Science Foundation
4. Disaster Risk Management in EQ Affected Area Environment/ Disaster Management   District Mansehra Disaster Management Plans for 12 U/Cs. Capacity Building of 12 U/C on Disaster Preparedness CWS
5. Industrial wastewater treatment   Environment District Haripur Biomass derived adsorbents for industrial wastewater treatment   HEC
6. Water Quality Surveillance Environment/ Water & Sanitation   Water Quality Testing and Remedial Measure JICA
7. Wheat Improvement Environment /Agri District Mansehra Wheat Improvement Using Targeted Genomic Approaches. Sponsoring agency Pakistan Science Foundation
8. Low cost biogas production and wastewater treatment by using macro-algae Environment   Low cost biogas production and wastewater treatment by using macro-algae Pakistan Science Foundation
9. Conservation of Wild Fruits and Plants in Gallyat region Environment KPK Medicinal plant and vegetable conservation and development COMSATS University
10. Waste water characterization and treatment from Hattar Industrial Stare Environment Haripur Analysis of water samples, identification of toxin, treatment methodologies   HEC
11. Identification and characterization of salt genes in Pea Agriculture Pakistan Identification and characterization of salt genes in Pea  

Skill Development Projects

S.# Project Title Sector Location Brief description Donor
1. Electrical/ Electronics Technician Course Skill Development District Abbottabad AJK Electrition Course (6 Months), Technician Course (1 Year) District Zakat committee Abbottabad
2. Industrial automation & control Course Skill Development District Haripur, Abbottabad Industrial automation & control Course (1 Year) Higher Education Commission
3. CCNA Professional Course Skill Development District Haripur, Abbottabad   HEC
4. Lab Technician Course Skill Development District Abbottabad Biological Lab Management and administration (6 Months)  

Water & Sanitation Projects

S.# Project Title /Location Brief description Donor
1. WAQIPH (Water Quality Improvement and Promotion of Hygiene) Phase I, II & III
Province/State: KPK & AJK
Districts: Abbottabad, Mansehra, Batagram and Muzaffarabad, Neelum, Bagh, Hattian, Haveli and Poonch
Total 1642 Water Supply Schemes were focused for:

  • Water Quality testing
  • Source Protection Technical Assessment i.e. AutoCad Drawings of proposed interventions and Cost Estimation
  • GPS Mapping
2. Emergency WASH Project in Conflict and Flood Affected Areas
Area Province/State: KPK & FATA
Districts: Swat, Dir Upper, Dir Lower, Bunair and Mohmand Agency
  • Third party monitoring of activities carried out by various implementing partner of Unicef and Total 358 Water Supply Schemes were focused for:
  • Water Quality testing
  • Source Protection Technical Assessment i.e. AutoCad Drawings of proposed interventions and Cost Estimation
  • GPS Mapping
3. Long Term Agreement Provision of WASH Services
Area Province/State: KPK, GB, Punjab and AJK.
Districts: Peshawar, Mardan, Charsada, Nowshehra, Swabi, Dir upper, Dir Lower, Bunair, Swat, Abbottabad, Mansehra, Battagram Gizer, Gilgit, Astore, Hunza Nagar, Skardu Raheem Yar Khan, Muzaffar Garh, Rajan Pur, Dera Ghazi Khan Layyiah, Bhakkar, Mianwali Muzaffarabad, Bagh, Hattian
  • Provision of Monitoring, Construction Supervision and Engineering work for Emergency and Early Recovery for WASH interventions in Punjab:
  • Monitoring of 1580 Hand Pumps, Latrines (Demo & Temporary) and Water Supply Schemes
  • Assessment of WASH services in 100 locations of Mardan and Swabi (i.e. 25 mohallas & 25 Schools), for the provision of safe drinking water through TMAs and Public Health Engineering Department
  • To Monitor WASH activities implemented by UNICEF implementing partners
  • Monitoring of Activities under “WASH Emergency Response Project” in flood areas for 281 various villages of Peshawar, Mardan, Swabi, Nowshera and Dir Lower
  • Monitoring and verification of Bills according to 15 sites of Public Health Engineering Department Water Supply Schemes in Dir Upper.
  • To asses the WASH needs in early recovery areas of Dir, Bunair & Swat. Monitoring of various hard and soft activities of implementing partners of Unicef at IDP camps in Peshawar.
  • Monitoring, Construction Supervision and Engineering work for School WASH interventions for 400 Govt. primary schools in AJK/KPK
  • Monitoring and Construction Supervision of 50 WSS in Gilgit Baltistan
4. Provision of Technical Services for WASH in Schools Programme and Hygiene Promotion Activities in 147 Govt. Primary Schools of AJK and KPK
Area Province/State: KPK and AJK
Districts: Abbottabad, Mansehra and Battagram Muzaffarabad, Bagh and Hattian
Total 147 Schools were focused for Drinking Water Supply Schemes:

  • Source Protection Technical Assessment i.e. AutoCad Drawings of proposed interventions and Cost Estimation
  • GPS Mapping
  • Construction Supervision and certification of Drinking Water facilities
  • Promotion of Hygiene Activities in all 142 Schools i.e.
  • 266 Hygiene Sessions with children & 9719 children trained.
  • 360 teachers were trained in both AJK & KPK.
  • 1255 members of School Management Committees and 1625 mothers were trained on safe hygiene practices.
  • 11450 hygiene kits were distributed in 142 schools of AJK & KPK.
5. Construction Supervision of Water Supply Schemes in KPK and AJK
Area Province/State KPK AJK
District Abbottabad, Mansehra & Batagram Muzaffarabad, Neelum, Bagh, Hattian, Haveli
  • Monitoring, Construction Supervision and certification of 364 Water Supply Schemes in AJK
  • Monitoring, Construction Supervision and certification of 233 Water Supply Schemes in KPK
6. WASH facilities with trickling filter and wetland in five schools of Pakistan Administered Kashmir (PAK)
Area Province/State: AJK
District Bagh, Hattian
  • Assessment of location for Ecological Sanitation sites for the primary Schools,
  • Construction of trickling filter and wetlands in five Schools of AJK Total 147 Schools were focused for Drinking Water Supply Schemes:

Professional Trainings

S.# Client Title Time Frame
1. SSD Training Consultancy on Disaster Management 10 Days
2. American Red Cross Training Consultancy on Adult Learning 5 Days
3. Concern World Wide Training Consultancy Conflict Magt & Social Mobilization 3 Days
4. ODC Training Consultancy Social Mobilization ODC 5 Days
5. OXFAM Novaib Training Consultancy CMST Saibaan 20 Days
6. Caritas International Training Consultancy Social Mobilization Caritas 2 Days
7. Church World Service Training Consultancy PRA Training CWS 5 Days
8. OXFAM Novaib (partners Training) Training Consultancy CMST Saibaan 5 Days
9. Relief International Training Consultancy DRR Relief International 4 Days
10. IFRC Training Consultancy on CMST IFRC 5 Days
11. Church World Service Training Consultancy DRM CWS 5 Days
12. British Red Cross Training Consultancy LMST BRC 5 Days
13. IFRC Training Consultancy PHAST IFRC 5 Days
14. IFRC Training Consultancy Monitoring & Evaluation IFRC 5 Days
15. IFRC Training Consultancy M & E IFRC 5 Days
16. Sungi Training Consultancy Disaster Risk Reduction 5 Days
17. ICMC Training Consultancy ICMC Life Skills 22 Days