
Google Career Certifications Program 2024

  /    /  Google Career Certifications Program 2024




We are pleased to inform you that a Tri-Parti Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) has been signed between COMSATS University Islamabad (Abbottabad Campus), Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Information Technology Board (KPITB), and Tech Valley (Pakistan) in the presence of the Chief Minister KPK for Google Career Certifications (GCC) under a scholarship program. The Google Career Certification courses are hosted over Coursera. Under the MOU COMSATS University Islamabad, Abbottabad Campus will register the students on Coursera. Each certification course costs about $300, and shortlisted students will get the certifications free of cost under this MoU / scholarship program. Currently, CUI Abbottabad Campus has initiated the registration process in coordination and collaboration with KPITB and Tech Valley.

Available GCC Courses

Hurry Up, please go through the GCC program, register for the course you are interested in, and earn Google certification in the next three months free of cost. Please register using the following link on/before March 24, 2024.

Registration Form:

Note: When completing and submitting the GCC Registration form, kindly choose “COMSATS University Islamabad, Abbottabad Campus” as your current institution and include your CUIATD.EDU.PK email address (for example, in the email field.

Visit for Further Details Google Career Certifications Program 2024