

  /    /  Ranking

Since 2006, COMSATS University Islamabad has consistently earned the singular honour of being ranked among top 10 institutions of higher education in the country on account of research output by its qualified faculty. Besides, COMSATS University Islamabad has also been ranked at No. 1 in the Computer Science and IT category by HEC in 2012. This success is a manifestation of its undeterred commitment and has led to an unprecedented number of applicants for securing admission in COMSATS University Islamabad every year. Moreover, an international ranking agency, QS Organization, which carries out world universities ranking, awarded three stars (out of a total of five) to COMSATS University Islamabad. The award was announced during a QS conference held in Seoul, South Korea in 2013. Another joyous moment for COMSATS University Islamabad was when it attained a position in QS Asian University Rankings 2014 for the first time. It was placed in 201-250 range of top Asian Universities. Higher Education Commission of Pakistan has been consistently placing CUI among the top 10 best universities of the country, out of a pool of close of 190 universities. Internationally, Times Higher Education (THE) of London in its most updated rankings has placed CUI among world’s top 341-400 universities; and in the Life Sciences and Physical Sciences domains among the top 401-500 pool of universities. CUI’s track record of its faculty research publications in the internationally abstracted journals has also been phenomenal given its brief history. With the modest beginning of just 172 research publications in 2005 to 2000 publications in year 2017.