

  /    /  Laboratories

Lab Facilities in Computer Engineering Department

The labs in Computer Engineering departments give students practical experience in     designing hardware and software as well as exploring theories and concepts. Specialized hardware, software, and equipment for data collecting and analysis can be   found in labs. Some details of the dedicated labs of the department are:

  1. DLD / Microprocessor Lab: This lab provides practical experience to the students by designing and testing digital logic circuits and understanding hardware and software concepts of microprocessors. This lab has 16 computers with core i7 processors. Fourteen Digital logic Trainers,12 Microprocessor trainers, 2 PIC 4 programmers to program PIC Flash Microcontrollers (MCUs) and Digital Signal Controllers (DSCs), 01 CRO, 14 Arduino for building electronic projects and 04 Raspberry Pi that allow students to perform experiment with wide range of applications.
  2. VLSI Lab: In this lab students are provided with hands on experience in designing and implementing Integrated Circuits (ICs) by utilizing software / hardware tools. This lab has 18 Spartan 3 FPGA boards, 10 SPARTAN 3E, 10 FPAA boards, 9 Raspberry Pi (B+), 24 Computers and 5 DSP starter Kits.
  3. Electronics Lab: The purpose of Electronics lab is to provide students with hands on experience in designing and testing various electronics circuits. This lab mainly contains 20 linear circuit trainers, 17 Cathode Ray Oscilloscopes (CROs) and 17 Function generators.
  1. Physics Lab: The purpose of physics labs is to provide learning environment to the students by conducting experiments with laboratory equipment to verify their theoretical knowledge. This lab contains all the lab equipment necessary to perform basic to advanced lab experiments.
  1. Project Lab: In this lab final year students can perform research activities. The lab is equipped with state-of-the-art equipment and technology for projects related activities.
  1. Computer Lab: This lab provides dedicated space where students can learn computer usage, applications and digital tools. Our computer lab has enough computer systems and related software’s to accommodate all the students of CE department.