
MS in Cyber Security

  /    /  MS in Cyber Security

Program Description

CyberSecurity is the most prominent and standing out focus area during the last decade. Penetration of ICT based system and their public access exposes CyberSecurity threats and highlights their importance. CyberSecurity strategies are developed across the world in advance as well as developing countries. The focus is on the development of CyberSecurity based frameworks and systems. 

This program adopts interdisciplinary skill based approach and is designed to deliver the skills and knowledge necessary for the current and next generation of security specialists to deal with the increasing challenges regarding CyberSecurity. Courses about digital forensics prepare students to examine, identify and investigate computer crimes.  After successful completion of the program the students can employ state of the art techniques in CyberSecurity to ensure the safety and well-being of data as well as networks. The graduates of this program have careers in police, military, intelligence agencies, e-businesses, e-government, banking, and information security solution provider organizations. This program will expose the students to the recent and most advanced technologies in attacking computer and communication systems as well as preventing attacks. Students will have a solid foundation to conduct research and development in new security technologies which will give them a competitive advantage in the industry. It should be noted that this degree is intellectually challenging and students with a passion for problem solving using mathematics and/or computer programming will find this course very interesting and rewarding.

Application and admission

At CIIT the admissions into graduate progams are offered on merit. the merit is determines on the basis of the academic record, GRE/NTS-GAT score and interview.

General Eligibility Criteria 


  • A 16 years degree in the Computer Science/Information Technology, Telecommunication, Software Engineering or any other related discipline from an accredited institution, with minimum First division (annual system) or CGPA 2.5/4.0 (semester system) and no third division (Annual system) or ‘D’ grade (semester system) throughout academic career. 
  • NTS GAT (General) with minimum score of 50.

Program Duration:

The duration of studies for MS degree shall normally be, not less than two years and not more than four years.

Course Work:

An MS Scholar will have to complete minimum of 30 credit hours by undertaking 24 credit hours course work from approved Scheme of Studies and 6 credit hours of MS Thesis.

Course Outline: 

The course outline is available at this link.

For FAQs on Graduate admissions please visit this link.

Career prospects

The proposed program is designed for those wanting to follow a career in network management and security, digital forensic computing, investigation or those who wish to develop their understanding and application of security issues and cyber-crime. It will also appeal to professionals in related areas such as law enforcement, system administration, corporate security, information security, Forensic agencies and  information auditing .The proposed program will develop both a broadening of subject knowledge combined with an in-depth study of digital forensic tools and techniques, detection and crisis response, crime scene-search, evidence collection and seizure processes and IT law. The program may also be taken by those who have an interest in scientific/computing applications and research in the field, and who would like to continue to a doctoral degree program after completion. The programme is ideal for the professional from:

  • Network Managers and Network Security analysts
  • Information managers and content analysts
  • Police, Military and other law enforcement personnel
  • E-business Security professionals
  • Banking, Insurance and other personnel
  • Systems Administrator, IS & IT Managers