
Message by the HoD

  /    /  Message by the HoD

Dr. Noor Elahi  Head of Department Development Studies

Development Studies is an emerging inter-disciplinary social science with high demand of its graduates in public and private sectors. This inter-disciplinary knowledge and skills are necessary to prepare students for the identification and solution of challenges in diverse fields. The core curriculum of under grade and graduate programs offers and integrates the wider discipline and knowledge of the social-cultural, community development, environmental, gender, disaster, administrative and management sciences. Pakistan is a developing country, face serious economic, social, institutional, cultural and development challenges. The country is also prone to both natural and human induced crises owing to its geographical and strategic location. Development professionals with inter-disciplinary skills and knowledge address all such challenges. The aim of the department of development studies is to equip its graduates with full range of social sector development experiences and skills in fieldwork, survey, qualitative and quantitative data analysis, and writing that prepare them for career opportunities in government, private sectors and donor agencies.