Event Management Committee (EMC)
List of Contents
- EMC Overview
- Flow Diagram of all the Activities
- Feedback Mechanism
- Recommendation Mechanism to DARC
- CQI Process and Flow Diagram
- Evidence of Activities for PEC evaluation
EMC Overview
In ECE department EMC was founded in 2018. The main objectives of the committee are given below.
- To plan, organize and manage co-curricular activities during the semester like seminars, lectures, workshops, exhibitions etc.
- To work closely to various departmental societies and forums and conduct the activities planned by the societies.
- To plan and organize CPD Workshops (as per PEC guidelines)
- To facilitate the faculty in organizing any co-curricular and/or extra-curricular activities.

Flow Diagram of EMC Activities

Recommendation Mechanism to DARC is as follows:
- Emails to DARC members
- Suggestions, comments, and improvement plans
- Analysis and Improvements at the end of each semester
- Departmental meetings and discussions
CQI Process

Evidence of Activities for PEC evaluation

Industrial Power And Control Using PLC CPD Workshop
Industrial Power & Control Using PLC (1 CPD Point Workshop) held on december 1 2018 under the Pakistan Engineering Council, COMSATS University Islamabad Abbottabad Campus & IET, The Institute of Engineering & Technology UK.

Workshop On LateX (1 CPD Point)
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering has organized one day workshop on LateX (1 CPD Point) in collaboration with Pakistan Engineering Council & Team IET OnCampus CUI Abbottabad Network on May 4 2019.
The workshop introduced the audience to LaTeX tool and present practical tips required to create professional articles (papers, reports) in LaTeX.