
Message by the HoD

  /    /  Message by the HoD

                                                             Department of Electrical  Engineering was established at CUI Abbottabad in 2001 offering BS Computer Engineering initially and then extended to BS Electrical (Power) Engineering, BS Electrical (Computer) Engineering and BS Electrical (Electronics) Engineering. Currently, the department offers the three undergraduate programs along with MS and PhD programs in Electrical Engineering.  Electrical Engineering department has more than 80 working faculty members, 30 having PhD qualification and 10 pursuing PhD studies from reputed national and international universities. This department is comprised of energetic, self-motivated and innovative scholars and researchers in the nation. Our workforce is highly qualified in all areas including Electrical Machine Design, Variable Frequency Drives, Communication System, Control Systems, Antenna Design, Microwave Propagation, Renewable Energies, Smart Grid, and Power System Dynamics. The department is engaged in conducting high-level research in collaboration with qualified faculty at several universities in North Dakota (USA), Germany, China, and Malaysia.

Our Department’s vision is to be recognized nationally as well as internationally for high-quality educational programs and research through focused activities and excellence of its faculty, staff, graduates and facilities. We will achieve this vision through fostering the education of students and by contributing to the base of Electrical Engineering research. Our main goal is to impart quality education by introducing Outcome-based Education (OBE) system through our continuously-accredited Electrical Engineering degree programs. The department seeks to provide a high-quality laboratory-rich learning environment to the students. Pursuing this objective, unremitting efforts have been made in bringing Electrical Engineering curricula into alignment with learning expectation delineated in OBE, which is certainly a stepping stone for the recognition of engineering degree of this Department by the signatories of the Washington Accord, 1989.

Undergraduate Electrical Engineering students have access to a wide array of subjects, including communication, computers, control systems, electronics, electric circuits, microelectronics, and power systems. Computer Engineering students are exposed to the broad spectrum of Electrical Engineering and computer science courses with an emphasis on embedded systems. An initiative is underway to offer short courses/seminars/workshops in various applied subjects to enhance job opportunities of our graduates.


         Head of Department