
MS in Computer Engineering

  /    /  MS in Computer Engineering

The MS program in Computer Engineering is one of the core engineering disciplines and covers a broad spectrum of basic as well as advanced modules. This program offers interesting and challenging career paths for our future Engineers. The program aims to provide students with educational experiences that give them sound professional practice, advanced education, and lifelong learning. The department offers a nice balance of theoretical knowledge and practical experimentation. Well-equipped labs backed by the Engineering Resource Centre contribute heavily to providing hands-on experience to students. On the other hand, students are exposed to advanced modules as well as cutting-edge research in a variety of Computer Engineering fields enabling them to contribute to the existing body of scientific knowledge in an innovative manner. The students are provided with advanced research labs, hence enabling them to work in a conducive and innovative environment. This program along with the availability of highly qualified faculty/researchers makes the department a great place to learn and excel for enthusiastic students.