
Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

  /    /  Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

The process of selecting PEOs involves reviewing and harmonizing these with the University’s vision and mission statement, and with rigorous involvement of senior echelons of the campus. The PEOs are approved by the BoS and Academic Council after complementary input from the approved Industrial Advisory Board (IAB). Based on the mission spelled for CUI, the following are the four educational objectives set for Electrical Engineering program:

  1. Demonstrate competence in the professional practice of Electrical Engineering.
  2. Fulfill the technological needs of society in an ethical, moral and socially responsible manner.
  3. Demonstrate/Exhibit an ability to function and communicate effectively as an individual or team member and show management and entrepreneurial potential.
  4. Engage in life-long learning to continually enhance personal and professional capabilities.

Figure: PEO consistency with department’s Vision and Mission