Seminar on Conformal Antennas
Held on Thursday 29 Aug 2019
The objectives of this seminar are to train the communication engineers in the of conformal antenna arrays, enhance their theoritical and practical expertise and cover design and meaurements tools/techniques required to develop some specific RF and microwave antennas.
The outlines of seminar to be covered is as follows
1. Introduction to conformal antennas and their applications.
2. Beam scanning and and beamfroming techniques
3. Desiging of conformal antennas using CST microwave studio.
4. Practical Antenna measurements such as S parametrs and pattern using network analayzer in the Anechoic chamber.
1. Dr. Irfan Ullah
Assistant Professor
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
COMSATS university Abbottabad campus
2. Muhammad Ayaz
PhD students, Research Associate
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
COMSATS university Abbottabad campus
3. Adnan Tariq
MS Student, Research Assistant
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
COMSATS university Abbottabad campus
VENUE: Computer Lab 4, Z-Block COMSATS University Islamabad, Abbottabad Campus