
Research Projects

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Research Projects


International Projects

S. # Title Funding Body MPKR Principal Investigator
1 Energy and Raw Material Recovery from Treatment Sludge as a Conceptual of Zero Waste ANSO >30 Dr. Rashid Nazir
2 Potential severity of antimicrobial resistance in context of COVID-19 pandemic and phage-assisted biocontrol: one health approach in Benin and Pakistan IsDB-TWAS >20 Dr. Rashid Nazir
3 Glacier changes and associated hydrologic impact under warming climate in Hunza Valley along the Sino-Pakistan Economic Corridor. NSFC-ICIMOD 30 Dr. Adnan A. Tahir
4 Spatio-temporal glacier variation and its influence on the water availability in Hunza Basin along the CPEC route NSFC-PSF 8.5 Dr. Adnan A. Tahir
5 Intercropping Systems, CPEC initiative Completed China 7.4 Dr. Usman Irshad
6 Study on the skin care efficacy of medicinal plants from Himalayan region China 4.7 Dr. Arshad Mehmood Abbasi
7 Pollution Management with Waste Adsorbents Saudi Arabia 4.2 Dr. Muhammad Bilal
9 Feasibility Study for Provision of Safe Drinking Water through Water Conservation (SDWC)” with Nigeria and Egypt D-8 member Countries 3.7 Dr. Faridullah
10 Impact of veterinary medicines on anaerobic digestion efficiency to generate biogas and potential spread of environmental multidrug resistance TWAS-COMSTIC 1.8 Dr. Rashid Nazir
11 Study of Flavoring Compounds/Polyphenolics in Aromatic Plants of the Himalayan Region-Pakistan China 1.7 Dr. Arshad Mehmood Abbasi
12 Ecological impact of transgenic Bt cotton hybrids on soil biological attributes of varying agricultural soils in Pakistan USA 1.5 Dr. Farhan Hafeez
13 Nitrogen cycling in different soil ecosystems and influence of the size of nosZ denitrifies on overall budget of the greenhouse gas-nitrous oxide. IFS Sweden 1 Dr. Farhan Hafeez
14 Adsorption of Heavy Metals from Synthetic Goldmine Wastewater by Functionalized Activated Carbon from Rice Husk Precursor in Batch and Column Reactors. UK 0.3 Dr. Muhammad Bilal

National Projects

S.# Title Funding Body MPKR Principal Investigator
1 Impact of Global Climatic Changes and Human Perturbations on Resilience of Nitrogen Cycling Ecosystem Functioning in Lower Himalayas HEC 8.33 Dr. Farhan Hafeez
2 Potential risks of glacier lake outburst floods under climate change along China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC)  PSF 7.5 Dr. Adnan A. Tahir
3 Evaluation, adaptation studies and popularization of Kiwi Fruit in different ecologies (upper and lower altitudes) of Hazara division. PARC 5.8 Dr. Arshad M. Abbasi
4 Biomass derived adsorbents for industrial wastewater treatment HEC 4.5 Dr. Muhammad Bilal
5 Nitrogen Removal and Bioelectricity Production from Industrial Wastewater through Anammox up-flow Microbial Fuel Cell process HEC 4.4 Dr. Zulfiqar A. Bhatti
6 P-solubilizing Microbial Consortia from Lower Himalayas and their Potential for Bioethanol Production  HEC 4.4 Dr. Rashid Nazir
7 Treatment of Textile Effluents by combination of ultrasonic cavitations and electrochemical oxidation process HEC 4.25 Dr. Maria Siddique
8 Assessment of Native Marchella Species Growth Factor in Situ and their Implementation for pilot Scale Production HEC 3.9 Dr. Abdul Nazir
9 Utilization of complex network of microbial interactions for mobilization of soil phosphorus inaccessible for plant growth. HEC 2.7 Dr. Usman Irshad
10 Reclamation of land of small land holders and mitigating the regional climatic impacts through an integrated agronomic approach to combat salinity menace HEC 2.63 Dr. Muhammad Shahzad
11 Comparative study of leaf apoplastic Na+ and growth-related proteins in maize leaves under actual saline environment HEC 2.1 Dr. Muhammad Shahzad
12 Development of nano-structured inorganic membranes for water purification” HEC 2.0 Dr. Sajid H. Shah
13 Recycling of Co-composted livestock manures ameliorates heavy metal pollution in soil HEC 1.6 Dr.  Muhammad Irshad
14 Isolation and identification of bacterial grazer nematodes HEC 0.5 Dr. Muhammad Bilal
15 Sonophotocatalytic degradation of Reactive dye (RB 19) by S-TiO2 particles in aqueous solutions HEC 0.5 Dr. Maria Siddique
16 Ecological aspects of nitrogen cycling in terrestrial ecosystems and the emission of nitrous oxide, an important greenhouse gas. HEC 0.5 Dr. Farhan Hafeez
17 P-solubilizing   Microbial Consortia from Lower Himalayas and their Potential for Bioethanol Production. 2016. HEC 0.5 Dr. Akhtar Iqbal
18 Epigenetic regulation of cell wall related genes of maize in salt stress conditions. HEC 0.5 Dr. Muhammad Shahzad
19 Ecological aspects of nitrogen cycling in terrestrial ecosystems and the emission of nitrous oxide, an important greenhouse gas. HEC 0.5 Dr. Muhammad Shahzad
20 Gradient analysis of vehicular and Industrial emissions along Hattar (Haripur) to Mansehra city at Express Highway, KPK, Pakistan HEC 0.5 Dr. Shamyla Nawazish
21 Investigating the snow cover and glaciers variation trend in the Gilgit River basin, using satellite remote sensing HEC 0.5 Dr. Adnan A.  Tahir
22 Isolation and identification of bacterial grazer nematodes: their effect on rhizo-bacterial communities and phosphorus uptake by pine seedlings HEC 0.5 Dr. Usman Irshad
23 Metabolic Bases of Soil-Biota Interactions and Their Biocontrol Potential for Host Plants HEC 0.5 Dr. Rashid Nazir
24 Estimation of farm level technical efficiency in maize production in the high mountain’s North region of Pakistan HEC 0.50 Dr. Faridullah
25 Biodegradation of plastic by Algae HEC 0.4 Dr. Bibi Saima Zeb
26 Enhancement of Adsorption and Photocatalytic Activity of TiO2 Photocatalyst by doping with metal and non-metal for Azo Dyes Degradation CRGP-CUI 0.3 Dr. Muhammad Bilal
27 Purification of Thermusaquaticus DNA polymerase expressed in Escherichia coli and in-house preparation for PCR reactions CRGP-CUI 0.3 Dr. Rashid Nazir
28 Phytochemical profiling and in vitro antioxidant activity of selected edible wild fruits consumed by local communities of Lesser Himalayas-Pakistan CRGP-CUI 0.3 Dr. Arshad M. Abbasi
29 Impact of Environment on Phytochemicals Content, Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Activities in Allium cepa L CRGP-CUI 0.3 Dr. Arshad M. Abbasi
30 Secretariat, Istanbul, Turkey, through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The project CRGP-CUI 0.27 Dr. Faridullah
31 Synthesis and characterization of energy efficient hydrophobic nano-porous silica membranes CRGP-CUI 0.2 Dr. Sajid H. Shah
32 Evaluation of Impacts of Accumulation of Metals due to Contaminated Irrigation Water on Crops and Soils Adjacent to Mandroach Drain in Abbottabad. DOST 0.2 Dr. Qaisar Mahmood
33 Synthesis and characterization of energy efficient hydrophobic nano-porous silica membranes CRGP-CUI 0.2 Dr. Sajid H. Shah
34 Study of different parameters controlling ultrasound and Fenton promoted destruction of a non-biodegradable dye (RB-19) CRGP-CUI 0.17 Dr. Maria Siddique
35 Climate change impact on cryosphere melt and hydrology of a high-altitude river catchment – use of a blend of remote sensing and ground data CRGP-CUI 0.16 Dr. Adnan A.  Tahir
36 Treatment of Textile Reactive Dyes by combine UV-Ultrasound techniques CRGP-CUI 0.13 Dr. Maria Siddique
37 Environmental, Psycho-Social & Economic Determinants of Maternal Health In Hazara Division CRGP-CUI 0.1 Ms. Romana Jamshed