
Faculty Profile

  /  Faculty Profile

Dr Mazhar Ali

Associate Professor
Area of Interest: Information Security and Cloud Computing
Email: mazhar@cuiatd.edu.pk
Phone: 0992-383591-5
Academics/ Degrees

  • PhD (Information Security), North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND, USA, 2015.                     
  • MS  (Information Security), Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden, 2009.
  • MCS, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Abbottabad, Pakistan, 2004.

Journal Publications
1. I.Khan,Dr. Mazhar Ali,Yu Lei Presenting a model for decentralized operation based on the internet of things in a system multiple microgrids, Energy, 2024
2. L. Yu,Dr. Mazhar Ali,T Maqsood,I.Khan Smart Energy Monitoring and Analysis Method Based on Image Recognition Technology, Traitement du Signal, 2023
3. S A Jan,Dr. Mazhar Ali,J.Shujah,N U Amin,A Abbass,M Maray SELWAK: A Secure and Efficient Lightweight and Anonymous Authentication and Key Establishment Scheme for IoT Based Vehicular Ad hoc Networks, Sensors, 2022
4. k S Awaisi,H A Khattak,Dr. Mazhar Ali,A Abbass,A Ahmad,A Khalid Deep reinforcement learning approach towards a smart parking architecture, Cluster Computing, 2022
5. Adil Adeel,Dr. Mazhar Ali,F. Rehman,J.Shujah,AN Khan,Tauqeer Khalid,Yaser Jararweh A multi-attack resilient lightweight IoT authenticationscheme, Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, 2022
6. S. A. Jan,N. U. Amin,M. Othman,A. I. Umar,A. Basir,Dr. Mazhar Ali A Survey on Privacy-Preserving Authentication Schemes in VANETs: Attacks, Challenges and Open Issues, IEEE Access, 2021
7. Dr. Mazhar Ali,Assad Abbass,Dr. Usman Shahid,Samee U. Khan SeSPHR: A Methodology for Secure Sharing of Personal Health Records in the Cloud, IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing (IF 7.928), 2021
8. T. Khalid,AN Khan,Mudassar Aslam,Dr. Mazhar Ali,R.Wasim,MAK Abbassi,M Zuraiz,JJPC Rodrigues A survey on privacy and access control schemes in fog computing, International Journal of Communication Systems, 2021
9. F. Rehman,O.Khalid,N. Haq,T. Maqsood,Dr. Mazhar Ali,R.Wasim,J.Shujah,S. Sarwar, S. A. Madani A scalable model for real‐time venue recommendations using MapReduce, Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 2020
10. Z. A. Al-Odat,Dr. Mazhar Ali,A. Abbass,S. U. Khan Secure Hash Algorithms and the Corresponding FPGA Optimization Techniques, ACM Computing Surveys, 2020
11. D. Iqbal,A. Abbass,Dr. Mazhar Ali,Dr. Usman Shahid,R. nawaz Requirement Validation for Embedded Systems in Automotive Industry Through Modeling, IEEE Access, 2020
12. K. Sattar,A. Abbass,M. Zareei,H. A. Khattak,Dr. Usman Shahid,Dr. Mazhar Ali,I. U. Din,Sajid.Shah Towards a Fog enabled Efficient Car Parking Architecture, IEEE Access, 2019
13. T. Khalid,AN Khan,Dr. Mazhar Ali,A. Adeel,A. R. Khan,J.Shujah A fog-based security framework for intelligent traffic light control system, Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2019
14. Anum Khurshid,AN Khan,F.G Khan,Dr. Mazhar Ali,J.Shujah,Atta Ur Rehman Khan Secure‐CamFlow: A device‐oriented security model to assist information flow control systems in cloud environments for IoTs, Concurrency and Computation Practice and Experience, 2019
15. S.K.Zaman,T. Maqsood,Dr. Mazhar Ali,K.Bilal,S. A. Madani, A. R. Khan A load balanced task scheduling heuristic for large-scale computing systems, International Journal of Computer Systems Science & Engineering, 2019
16. Dr. Usman Shahid,Dr. Mazhar Ali,Assad Abbass,S. U. Khan,A. Y. Zomaya Segregating Spammers and Unsolicited Bloggers from Genuine Experts on Twitter, IEEE Transaction on Dependable and Secure Computing, 2018
17. Dr. Mazhar Ali,K.Bilal,S. U. Khan,B. Veeravalli,K. Li,A. Y. Zomaya DROPS: Division and Replication of Data in the Cloud for Optimal Performance and Security, IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, 2018
18. Dr. Usman Shahid,Assad Abbass,Dr. Mazhar Ali,M. Jawad On the Correlation of Sensor Location and Human Activity Recognition in Body Area Networks (BANs), IEEE Systems Journal, 2018
19. AN Khan,Dr. Mazhar Ali,F.G Khan,I.A.Khan,W.Jadoon A comparative study and workload distribution model for re‐encryption schemes in a mobile cloud computing environment , Journal of Communication Systems, Wiley, 2017, 2017
20. Dr. Mazhar Ali,S. U. R. Malik,S. U. Khan DaSCE: Data Security for Cloud Environment with Semi-Trusted Third Party, IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, 2017
21. Dr. Mazhar Ali,R. Dhamotharan,E.Khan,S. U. Khan,AV Vasilakos,K. Li,A. Y. Zomaya SeDaSC: Secure Data Sharing in Clouds, IEEE Systems Journal, 2017
22. S. M. Ali,Dr. Chaudhry Arshad Mehmood,B. Khan,M Jawad,U Faird,Dr. Jabran Khan,Dr. Mazhar Ali,N.Tareen,S. Usman,M. Majid,S. M. Anwar Stochastic and Statistical Analysis of Utility Revenues and Weather Data Analysis for Consumer Demand Estimation in Smart Grids, PLOS ONE, 2016
23. Assad Abbass,Dr. Mazhar Ali,Dr. Usman Shahid,S. U. Khan Personalized healthcare cloud services for disease risk assessment and wellness management using social media, Pervasive and Mobile Computing, 2016
24. Dr. Mazhar Ali,S. U. Khan,A. Y. Zomaya Security and Dependability of Cloud-Assisted Internet of Things, IEEE Cloud Computiing, 2016
25. AN Khan,MLM Kiah,Dr. Mazhar Ali,S. Shamshir,A. R. Khan A Cloud-Manager-Based Re-Encryption Scheme for Mobile Users in Cloud Environment: a Hybrid Approach, Journal of Grid Computing, 2015
26. Shahbaz Akhter Abid,Atta Ur Rehman,Dr. Mazhar Ali Merging of DHT-based Logical Networks in MANETs, Transactions on Emerging Telecommunication Technologies, 2015
27. Dr. Mazhar Ali,S. U. Khan,AV Vasilakos Security in Cloud Computing: Opportunities and Challenges, Information Sciences, 2015
28. Dr. Mazhar Ali BSS: block-based sharing scheme for secure data storage services in mobile cloud environment, The Journal of Supercomputing, 2014
29. Dr. Mazhar Ali,Dr. Usman Shahid A survey on energy-efficient methodologies and architectures of network-on-chip, Computers and Electrical Engineering, 2014
30. Dr. Mazhar Ali A taxonomy and survey on Green Data Center Networks, Future Generation Computer Systems, 2014
31. Dr. Atta UR Rehman,Dr. Mazhar Ali,AN Khan Pirax: framework for application piracy control in mobile cloud environment, Journal of Super Computing, 2014
32. Dr. Mazhar Ali 3D-RP: A DHT-based routing protocol for MANETs, The Computer Journal, 2014
Conference Publications
1. Dua Baig,Dr. Usman Shahid,Dr. Mazhar Ali,A Abbass,D Dancy,R Nawaz Malware Detection and Classification along with Trade-off Analysis for Number of Features, Feature Types, and Speed, , 2021
2. Neeli Khan,Dr. Mazhar Ali,Dr. Usman Shahid,A Abbass Malware Detection in Android via Neural Network using Entropy Features, , 2021
3. Syed M. A. H. Bukhari,Dr. Usman Shahid,Dr. Mazhar Ali,Tariq Khan Social media, AI, and political affiliation, , 2021
4. W Khan,S Ali,Dr. Usman Shahid,M Jawad,Dr. Mazhar Ali,R Nawaz AdaDiffGrad: An Adaptive Batch Size Implementation Technique for DiffGrad Optimization Method., , 2020
5. H khalil,Dr. Mazhar Ali,Dr. Usman Shahid Feature Selection for Unsupervised Bot Detection, , 2020
6. M. Qazi,Dr. Usman Shahid,Dr. Mazhar Ali Detection of Fake News Using Transformer Model, , 2020
7. S Rehman,Dr. Usman Shahid,Dr. Mazhar Ali Blockchain-Based Approach for Proving the Source of Digital Media, , 2020
8. Aasher khan,Suriya Rehman,Dr. Usman Shahid,Dr. Mazhar Ali Synonym-based Attack to Confuse Machine Learning Classifiers Using Black-box Setting , , 2019
9. Shad Muhammad,Dr. Usman Shahid,Dr. Mazhar Ali,L. Liu,M. ShardLow,R. Nawaz Bot detection using a single post on social media, , 2019
10. Zeyad Oledat,Dr. Mazhar Ali,S U Khan Mitigation and improving SHA-1 Standard Using Collision Detection Approach, , 2018
11. Dr. Usman Shahid,Assad Abbass,M. Jawad,Dr. Mazhar Ali,S U Khan Convolutional Neural Networks as Means to Identify Apposite Sensor Combination for Human Activity Recognition, , 2018
12. Z. Mahmood,M. Nazeer,M. Arif,I. shahzad,Fahad,Dr. Mazhar Ali,Uzair Khan,S. U. Khan Boosting the Accuracy of AdaBoost for Object Detection and Recognition, , 2016
13. S. U. Khan,L. T. Yang,Dr. Mazhar Ali,Dr. Usman Shahid,Assad Abbass A Cloud Based Framework for Identification of Influential Health Experts from Twitter, , 2015

  • Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science, COMSATS University Islamabad, Abbottabad Campus, since April 11,2022-till date
  • Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, COMSATS University Islamabad, Abbottabad Campus March 2010 to April 10,2022.
  • Lecturer, Department of Computer Science, COMSATS University Islamabad, Abbottabad Campus, June 2009 to February 2010.
  • Lecturer, Department of Computer Science, COMSATS University Islamabad, Lahore, March 2004 to May 2009.

Research Interests
  • Information Security
  • Cloud Computing
  • Internet of Things (IoT)
CIIT Scholarship for PhD from NDSU, USA