
Faculty Profile

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Area of Interest:
Journal Publications
1. R.Ahmad,M. Shahzad,S.A.Khan The ability of selected fungal strains to produce carboxylesterase enzymes for biodegradation and use of bifenthrin insecticide as carbon source: in vitro and in silico approaches, Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering, 2024
2. Dr. AM Abbasi,M. Shahzad Low apoplastic Na+ and intracellular ionic homeostasis confer salinity tolerance upon Ca2SiO4 chemigation in Zea mays L. under salt stress. , Frontier in Plant Sciences, 2024
3. Sumera Bibi,A. W. M. Ng,M.Irshad,Faridullah,Q.Mahmood,M. Shahzad,Muhammad Atiq Ur Rehman Tariq,Zahid Hussain,Muhammad Mohiuddin,Ping An,Asim Abbasi,Aiman Hina,Norela C. T. Gonzalez Phosphorous extraction in ecologically similar fruits orchards having different management systems. , Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 2023
4. Mohammad Omar Ahmad Shakarneh,A.Tahir,Q.Mahmood,M. Shahzad,Khan, A. J.,R.Khan Modeling of rainfall–runoff events using HEC-HMS model in southern catchments of Jerusalem Desert-Palestine, Arabian Journal of Geosciences , 2022
5. Moniba Zahid Mahmood,Abdul Qayyum,Sumera Bibi,Ali Fakhar,Mazhar Rafque,M. Shahzad Mechanisms of microbes to combat salinity in soil by producing secondary metabolites, Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 2021
6. S.A.Khan,M. Shahzad,R.Ahmad,Y.Sajjad Differential variations in total flavonoid content and antioxidant enzymes activities in pea under different salt and drought stresses , Scientia Horticulturae, 2021
7. Javaria Chand,S.A.Khan,R.Ahmad,M. Shahzad Expression of Antioxidant Genes can Increase Cold Resistance in Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.). , Pakistan Journal of Botany, 2021
8. Muhammad Mohiuddin,M.Irshad,Mohamed Farig,M. Shahzad Extractability of iodine from soils using different methods in relation to soil properties, Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 2021
9. M. Shahzad,Shumail Waheed,R.Ahmad,M.Irshad,S.A.Khan,Q.Mahmood Ca2SiO4 chemigation reduces cadmium localization in the subcellular leaf fractions of spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) under cadmium stress, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety , 2021
10. S.Shafiq,Asim Ali,Y.Sajjad,Qudsia Zeb,M. Shahzad,Abdul Rehman Khan,R.Nazir,Emilie Widemann The Interplay between Toxic and Essential Metals for Their Uptake and Translocation Is Likely Governed by DNA Methylation and Histone Deacetylation in Maize, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2020
11. S.A.Khan,R.Ahmad,M. Shahzad Salt stress reduces the pea growth and induces the expression of selected antioxidant genes, Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2020
12. M.Irshad,Z.Hussain,M. Shahzad Bioavailability of iodine to mint from soil applied with selected amendments, ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTANTS AND BIOAVAILABILITY , 2019
13. Abdul Rehman Khan,M. Shahzad,S.M.Shah,Ghulam Shabir,Kashif Aslam Salt Stress Induces Genotype-specific DNA Hypomethylation in ZmEXPB2 and ZmXET1 Genes in Maize, Cereal Research Communications, 2019
14. M. Shahzad,Haris Usman,R.Ahmad,S.A.Khan,Zulfiqar A. Saqib,Karl-Hermann Mühling Sodium in the leaf apoplast does not affect growth of maize (Zea mays L.) under saline field conditions, Journal of Applied Botany and Food Quality , 2019
15. S.A.Khan,R.Ahmad,M. Shahzad Transformation of tomato variety Rio grande with drought resistant transcription factor gene ataf1 and its molecular analysis, Pakistan Journal of Botany, 2018
16. M.Irshad,Q.Mahmood,M. Shahzad Transformations of Phosphorus and Other Plant Nutrients in Poultry Litter Composted with Sugarcane and Cabbage Wastes, COMPOST SCIENCE & UTILIZATION, 2018
17. R.Ahmad,M. Shahzad Heavy Metals and Glucosinolates Based Defence Mechanisms in Metal Accumulating Plants and Counter Adaptations by Insect Herbivores : A Review, International Journal of Agriculture and Biology , 2018
18. M. Shahzad,R.Ahmad Heavy Metals and Glucosinolates Based Defence Mechanisms in Metal Accumulating Plants and Counter Adaptations by Insect Herbivores: A Review,, International Journal of Agriculture and Biology, 2018
19. R.Ahmad,S.A.Khan,M. Shahzad,U.Irshad Metabolic profiling to elucidate genetic elements due to salt stress , CLEAN, Soil, Air, Water, 2017
20. R.Ahmad,M. Shahzad,S.A.Khan Molecular characterization of growth and proteolysis related genes in maize under drought stress, Pakistan Journal of Botany, 2017
21. M.Bilal,Dr. AM Abbasi,R.Ahmad,M. Shahzad Simultaneous Control of Physisorption and Chemisorption in Lab Scale Developed Activated Carbon from Hemp Stalks for Reactive Orange 16: Proof from Isotherm Modeling., Biointerface Research in Applied Chemistry, 2017
22. M. Shahzad,Abdul Qadir,S.A.Khan,R.Ahmad,Sajid Masood,M.Irshad,Fawad Kaleem,Sunjeet Kumar Exogenous Ca2SiO4 enrichment reduces the leaf apoplastic Na+ and increases the growth of okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L.) under salt stress, Scientia Horticulturae, 2017
23. Dania Israr,Ghulam Mustafa,Khalid Saifullah Khan ,M. Shahzad,Niaz Ahmad,Sajid Masood Interactive effects of phosphorus and Pseudomonas putida on chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) growth, nutrient uptake, antioxidant enzymes and organic acids exudation, Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2016
24. M. Shahzad,Zulfiqar A Saqib,F.Hafeez,M.Bilal,S.A.Khan,Saeed A Asad,Javaid Akhtar Growth-related changes in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes grown under salinity stress, Journal of Plant Nutrition, 2016
25. S.A.Khan,R.Ahmad,M. Shahzad The effects of different levels of salinity on growth and proline accumulation in three pea varieties, Minerva Biotechnologica, 2016
26. R.Ahmad,S.A.Khan,M. Shahzad Phytoremediation potential of hemp (Cannabis sativa L.):Identification and characterization of heavy metals responsive genes , Clean- Soil, Air, Water, 2016
27. Saeed Ahmad Asad,Ayesha Tabassum,Abdul Hameed,Fayyaz ul Hassan,Aftab Afzal,S.A.Khan,R.Ahmad,M. Shahzad Determination of lytic enzyme activities of indigenous Trichoderma isolates from Pakistan, Brazilian Journal of Microbiology, 2015
28. S.A.Khan,R.Ahmad,M. Shahzad Drought stress stunt tomato plant growth and up-regulate expression of SlAREB, SlNCED3, and SlERF024 genes, Scientia Horticulturae , 2015
29. M. Shahzad,S.A.Khan,R.Ahmad,M.Bilal Biocontrol efficacy of different isolates of Trichoderma against soil borne pathogen Rhizoctonia solani, Pol J Microbiol , 2014
30. M. Shahzad,C. Zörb,C.-M. Geilfus,K. H. Mühling Apoplastic Na+ in Vicia faba Leaves Rises After Short-Term Salt Stress and Is Remedied by Silicon, Journal of Agronomy & Crop Science, 2013
31. M. Shahzad, K. Witzel, C. Zoerb ,K. H. Muehling Growth-Related Changes in Subcellular Ion Patterns in Maize Leaves (Zea mays L.) under Salt Stress , Journal of Agronomy & Crop Science , 2012
32. Katja Witzel,M. Shahzad,Andrea Matros,Hans-Peter Mock,Karl H Mühling Comparative evaluation of extraction methods for apoplastic proteins from maize leaves , PLANT METHODS , 2011
Conference Publications
1. R.Ahmad,S.A.Khan,M. Shahzad Effect of ectomycorrhiza and ethylenediurea on cedrus deodara seedlings grown under high nitrogen and ozone stress, , 2022
2. Zulfiqar A Saqib,M. Shahzad,R.Ahmad,S.A.Khan,Haris Usman Investigating the role of apoplastic Na+ on the maize (Zea mays L.) growth in different saline soils, , 2019
3. M. Shahzad,Rabbia Shahid,R.Ahmad,S.A.Khan,M.Irshad Effect of nano silica particles on the ionic pattern and expansin genes expression in maize plant under salt stress, , 2019
4. M. Shahzad,Mehran Khan,R.Ahmad,S.A.Khan,M.Irshad Impact of calcium sulphate fertilization on the ionomics and growth-related genes in maize leaves under salinity stress, , 2019
5. S.A.Khan,R.Ahmad,M. Shahzad,Saba Naz, Muhammad Farooq Molecular study of metabolites and genes responsive to salt stress in pea (Pisum Sativum L.), , 2019
6. R.Ahmad,Kinza Manzoor, Hafiz Muhammad Ansab Jamil,S.A.Khan,M. Shahzad Impact of industrial wastewater irrigation on heavy metals uptake, proteases and expansins genes expressions in selected plants, , 2019
7. S.A.Khan,R.Ahmad,M. Shahzad Differential Antioxidant Genes Expression Associated with Tolerance of Pea (Pisum sativum L.) Against Salt Stress , , 2018
8. Abdul Rehman Khan,S.M.Shah,M. Shahzad Induction of DNA hypomethylation in ZmEXPB2 and ZmXET1 genes under Salt stress in Maize, , 2017
9. Muhammad Ayaz,,R.Ahmad,M. Shahzad,Noorullah Khan,M.Shah,S.A.Khan Drought stress stunt tomato plant growth and up-regulate expressionof SlAREB, SlNCED3, and SlERF024 genes, , 2015
10. R.Ahmad,S.A.Khan,M. Shahzad Identification and Isolation of Phospholipase D (PLD) and Glutathione Reductase (GR) Genes from Parthenium hyesterophorous, , 2014
12. M. Shahzad Acidity is an important determinant for fruit taste in apple , , 2012
13. M. Shahzad Apoplastic Na+ in Vicia faba leaves rises after short term salt stress- Evidence for the Oertli’s hypothesis- Remediation by silicon., , 2011
14. M. Shahzad Growth-related changes in apoplastic and symplastic ion patterns in maize leaves (Zea mays L.) under salt stress. , , 2010
15. M. Shahzad Subcellular ion and protein patterns in maize leaves (Zea mays L.) under salinity stress., , 2009
16. M. Shahzad Use of brackish water for sustainable maize production. , , 2006