1. |
M.Irshad,B.Zeb Phytoremediation potential and vegetation assessment of plant species growing on multi-metals contaminated coal mining site, Environmental Research Communications , 2024 |
2. |
B.Zeb Phyto remediation potential and vegetation assessment of plant species growing on multi-metals contaminated coal mining site., Environmental Research Communications , 2024 |
3. |
Amna Sarwar,Jin Wang ,N. Riaz,M. S. Khan,B.Zeb,Imtiaz Ali Khan ,Muhammad Akmal,Asaad Khalid, Ajmal Khan ,Ahmed Al-Harrasi,Q.Mahmood Optimizing the fluoride removal from drinking water through adsorption with mesoporous magnetic calcite nanocomposites, Results in Engineering, 2024 |
4. |
Q.Mahmood,B.Zeb Optimizing the fluoride removal from drinking water through adsorption with mesoporous magnetic calcite nanocomposites., Results in Engineering, 2024 |
5. |
B.Zeb High Genetic Diversity in the Himalayan Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) Germplasm with Divergence from Its Center of Origin in the Mesoamerica and Andes, ACS Omega, 2023 |
6. |
Q.Mahmood,B.Zeb Phytoremediation ability and selected genetic transcription in Hydrocotyle umbellata-under cadmium stress, International Journal of Phytoremediation, 2023 |
7. |
Q.Mahmood,B.Zeb,M. Tahir UV/ Fenton based treatment of paper recycling industry wastewater, Desalination and Water Treatment, 2023 |
8. |
B.Zeb Micro-morphological adaptations and tolerance
assessment of selected vascular plant species
exposed to vehicular exhausts, Environmental Research Communication, 2023 |
9. |
B.Zeb Micro-morphological adaptations and tolerance assessment of selected vascular plant species exposed to vehicular exhausts, Environmental Research Communications , 2023 |
10. |
B.Zeb,Q.Mahmood Model Anaerobic Microbe Photobacterium phosphoreum: A Potential Biosensor for Different Metals and Volatile Fatty Acids Toxicity during Wastewater Treatment, Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 2023 |
11. |
Aaima Iftikhar,Q.Mahmood,Z. A. Bhatti,M.Siddique,B.Zeb,M. Tahir Anaerobic Biological Treatment Wastewater from Paper Recycling Industry by UASB Reactor, Sains Malaysiana, 2023 |
12. |
Q.Mahmood,Z. A. Bhatti,B.Zeb,M. Tahir Anaerobic Biological Treatment of Wastewater from Paper Recycling Industry by UASB Reactor, Sains Malaysiana, 2023 |
13. |
Q.Mahmood,B.Zeb Organics and Nutrient Transformation in a Microbial FuelCell Influenced by Antibiotics, Clean, 2023 |
14. |
Q.Mahmood,Z. A. Bhatti,B.Zeb Organics and Nutrient Transformation in a Microbial FuelCell Influenced by Antibiotics, clean, 2023 |
15. |
B.Zeb Recovering phosphate and energy from anaerobic sludge digested wastewater with iron-air fuel cells: Two-chamber cell versus one-chamber cell, Science of the Total Environment, 2022 |
16. |
B.Zeb Recovering phosphate and energy from anaerobic sludge digested wastewater with iron-air fuel cells: Two-chamber cell versus one-chamber cell, Science of the Total Environment, 2022 |
17. |
B.Zeb Effect of Water Stress Through Skipped Irrigation on Growth and Yield of Wheat, Polish Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2022 |
18. |
B.Zeb Effect of Water Stress Through Skipped Irrigation on Growth and Yield of Wheat. Polish Journal of Environmental Sciences, Polish Journal of Environmental sciences, 2022 |
19. |
B.Zeb Evaluation of Common Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Land Races based on Qualitative Traits Derived from Himalayan, Andean and Mesoamerican regions, Sarhad Journal of Agriculture, 2021 |
20. |
B.Zeb Re-use of wasted sludge to treat industrial pollutants, Water Air Soil Pollution, 2021 |
21. |
Q.Mahmood,M. Tahir,B.Zeb Polyethylene Terephthalate Degradation by Microalga Chlorella vulgaris Along with Pretreatment, September 2020, Materiale Plastice, 2020 |
22. |
Q.Mahmood,M. Tahir,B.Zeb,S.Nawazish ASSOCIATION OF NEPHROLITHIASIS WITH DRINKING WATER QUALITY AND DIET IN PAKISTAN , Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 2020 |
23. |
B.Zeb Improvement of ferrous ion-dependent nitrate removal (FeNiR) process with chelating ferrous ion as substrate, Journal of Environmental Management
06/24/2020, 2020 |
24. |
Q.Mahmood,B.Zeb Climate change mediated water stress may affect growth and yield in tomato. , Central Asian Journal of Environmental Science and Technology Innovation
15/01/2020, 2020 |
25. |
M.Bilal,Madiha Tariq,Zahid Ullah,Arshad Ali,Q.Mahmood,B.Zeb,Shahida Shaheen Chemical Pollutants from Industrial Estate Pakistan-A Threat to Environmental Sustainability, Applied Water Science, 2019 |
26. |
Q.Mahmood,M. Tahir,B.Zeb,Z. A. Bhatti Industrial wastewater treatment in internal circulation bioreactor followed by wetlands containing emergent plants and algae, August 2018, 2018 |
27. |
Q.Mahmood,B.Zeb,Z. A. Bhatti,M.Irshad,A.Pervez Assessment of combined toxicity of heavy metals from industrial wastewaters on Photobacterium phosphoreum T3S, July, 2017 |
28. |
Qiu Lin,Shahida Shaheen,M.Irshad,B.Zeb,Q.Mahmood,A.Pervez,M.Bilal,Z. A. Bhatti,Zheng Ping Assessment of combined toxicity of heavy metals from industrial wastewaters to Photobacterium phosphoreum T3 S, 09 February 2016, 2017 |
29. |
Q.Mahmood,B.Zeb,A.Pervez,M.Irshad,Z. A. Bhatti,M.Bilal Assessment of combined toxicity of heavy metals from industrial wastewaters on Photobacterium phosphoreum T3S, 09 february , 2016 |
30. |
B.Zeb Evaluation of hydraulic characteristics of a pilot-scale air-lift internal-loop bioreactor, Toxic/Hazardous Substances and Environmental
Engineering, 2015 |
31. |
B.Zeb,Q.Mahmood,Zheng Ping,Qiu Lin,HuiFeng Lu,Chen Tingting ,Ghulam Abbas Assessment of Toxicity of Volatile Fatty Acids to Photobacterium phosphoreum, Microbiology, 2014 |
32. |
B.Zeb Sludge bulking in a high-rate denitrifying automatic circulate (DAC) reactor. , Chemical Engineering Journal., 2014 |
33. |
B.Zeb,Q.Mahmood,A.Pervez Characteristics and Performance of Anaerobic Wastewater Treatment (A Review) , J.Chem.Soc.Pak, 2013 |
34. |
Q.Mahmood,A.Pervez,B.Zeb,H. zafar,H. Yaqoob,M. Waseem,Zahidullah,S. Afsheen Natural Treatment Systems as Sustainable Eco technologies for the Developing Countries, BioMed Research International, 2013 |
35. |
B.Zeb,Q.Mahmood,A.Pervez Characteristics and Performance of Anaerobic Wastewater Treatment (A Review), J. Chem Soc. of Pak, 2012 |
36. |
B.Zeb,Q.Mahmood Effect of Hospital Wastes on Drinking water quality of KPK Hospitals Pakistan. , Value in health, 2012 |
37. |
B.Zeb Evaluating the prevalence associated with smoking behavior among university students in Pakistan, Value in Health, 2012 |