
Faculty Profile

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Area of Interest:
Journal Publications
1. M.Irshad,B.Zeb Phytoremediation potential and vegetation assessment of plant species growing on multi-metals contaminated coal mining site, Environmental Research Communications , 2024
2. B.Zeb Phyto remediation potential and vegetation assessment of plant species growing on multi-metals contaminated coal mining site., Environmental Research Communications , 2024
3. Amna Sarwar,Jin Wang ,N. Riaz,M. S. Khan,B.Zeb,Imtiaz Ali Khan ,Muhammad Akmal,Asaad Khalid, Ajmal Khan ,Ahmed Al-Harrasi,Q.Mahmood Optimizing the fluoride removal from drinking water through adsorption with mesoporous magnetic calcite nanocomposites, Results in Engineering, 2024
4. Q.Mahmood,B.Zeb Optimizing the fluoride removal from drinking water through adsorption with mesoporous magnetic calcite nanocomposites., Results in Engineering, 2024
5. B.Zeb High Genetic Diversity in the Himalayan Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) Germplasm with Divergence from Its Center of Origin in the Mesoamerica and Andes, ACS Omega, 2023
6. Q.Mahmood,B.Zeb Phytoremediation ability and selected genetic transcription in Hydrocotyle umbellata-under cadmium stress, International Journal of Phytoremediation, 2023
7. Q.Mahmood,B.Zeb,M. Tahir UV/ Fenton based treatment of paper recycling industry wastewater, Desalination and Water Treatment, 2023
8. B.Zeb Micro-morphological adaptations and tolerance assessment of selected vascular plant species exposed to vehicular exhausts, Environmental Research Communication, 2023
9. B.Zeb Micro-morphological adaptations and tolerance assessment of selected vascular plant species exposed to vehicular exhausts, Environmental Research Communications , 2023
10. B.Zeb,Q.Mahmood Model Anaerobic Microbe Photobacterium phosphoreum: A Potential Biosensor for Different Metals and Volatile Fatty Acids Toxicity during Wastewater Treatment, Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 2023
11. Aaima Iftikhar,Q.Mahmood,Z. A. Bhatti,M.Siddique,B.Zeb,M. Tahir Anaerobic Biological Treatment Wastewater from Paper Recycling Industry by UASB Reactor, Sains Malaysiana, 2023
12. Q.Mahmood,Z. A. Bhatti,B.Zeb,M. Tahir Anaerobic Biological Treatment of Wastewater from Paper Recycling Industry by UASB Reactor, Sains Malaysiana, 2023
13. Q.Mahmood,B.Zeb Organics and Nutrient Transformation in a Microbial FuelCell Influenced by Antibiotics, Clean, 2023
14. Q.Mahmood,Z. A. Bhatti,B.Zeb Organics and Nutrient Transformation in a Microbial FuelCell Influenced by Antibiotics, clean, 2023
15. B.Zeb Recovering phosphate and energy from anaerobic sludge digested wastewater with iron-air fuel cells: Two-chamber cell versus one-chamber cell, Science of the Total Environment, 2022
16. B.Zeb Recovering phosphate and energy from anaerobic sludge digested wastewater with iron-air fuel cells: Two-chamber cell versus one-chamber cell, Science of the Total Environment, 2022
17. B.Zeb Effect of Water Stress Through Skipped Irrigation on Growth and Yield of Wheat, Polish Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2022
18. B.Zeb Effect of Water Stress Through Skipped Irrigation on Growth and Yield of Wheat. Polish Journal of Environmental Sciences, Polish Journal of Environmental sciences, 2022
19. B.Zeb Evaluation of Common Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Land Races based on Qualitative Traits Derived from Himalayan, Andean and Mesoamerican regions, Sarhad Journal of Agriculture, 2021
20. B.Zeb Re-use of wasted sludge to treat industrial pollutants, Water Air Soil Pollution, 2021
21. Q.Mahmood,M. Tahir,B.Zeb Polyethylene Terephthalate Degradation by Microalga Chlorella vulgaris Along with Pretreatment, September 2020, Materiale Plastice, 2020
22. Q.Mahmood,M. Tahir,B.Zeb,S.Nawazish ASSOCIATION OF NEPHROLITHIASIS WITH DRINKING WATER QUALITY AND DIET IN PAKISTAN , Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 2020
23. B.Zeb Improvement of ferrous ion-dependent nitrate removal (FeNiR) process with chelating ferrous ion as substrate, Journal of Environmental Management 06/24/2020, 2020
24. Q.Mahmood,B.Zeb Climate change mediated water stress may affect growth and yield in tomato. , Central Asian Journal of Environmental Science and Technology Innovation 15/01/2020, 2020
25. M.Bilal,Madiha Tariq,Zahid Ullah,Arshad Ali,Q.Mahmood,B.Zeb,Shahida Shaheen Chemical Pollutants from Industrial Estate Pakistan-A Threat to Environmental Sustainability, Applied Water Science, 2019
26. Q.Mahmood,M. Tahir,B.Zeb,Z. A. Bhatti Industrial wastewater treatment in internal circulation bioreactor followed by wetlands containing emergent plants and algae, August 2018, 2018
27. Q.Mahmood,B.Zeb,Z. A. Bhatti,M.Irshad,A.Pervez Assessment of combined toxicity of heavy metals from industrial wastewaters on Photobacterium phosphoreum T3S, July, 2017
28. Qiu Lin,Shahida Shaheen,M.Irshad,B.Zeb,Q.Mahmood,A.Pervez,M.Bilal,Z. A. Bhatti,Zheng Ping Assessment of combined toxicity of heavy metals from industrial wastewaters to Photobacterium phosphoreum T3 S, 09 February 2016, 2017
29. Q.Mahmood,B.Zeb,A.Pervez,M.Irshad,Z. A. Bhatti,M.Bilal Assessment of combined toxicity of heavy metals from industrial wastewaters on Photobacterium phosphoreum T3S, 09 february , 2016
30. B.Zeb Evaluation of hydraulic characteristics of a pilot-scale air-lift internal-loop bioreactor, Toxic/Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering, 2015
31. B.Zeb,Q.Mahmood,Zheng Ping,Qiu Lin,HuiFeng Lu,Chen Tingting ,Ghulam Abbas Assessment of Toxicity of Volatile Fatty Acids to Photobacterium phosphoreum, Microbiology, 2014
32. B.Zeb Sludge bulking in a high-rate denitrifying automatic circulate (DAC) reactor. , Chemical Engineering Journal., 2014
33. B.Zeb,Q.Mahmood,A.Pervez Characteristics and Performance of Anaerobic Wastewater Treatment (A Review) , J.Chem.Soc.Pak, 2013
34. Q.Mahmood,A.Pervez,B.Zeb,H. zafar,H. Yaqoob,M. Waseem,Zahidullah,S. Afsheen Natural Treatment Systems as Sustainable Eco technologies for the Developing Countries, BioMed Research International, 2013
35. B.Zeb,Q.Mahmood,A.Pervez Characteristics and Performance of Anaerobic Wastewater Treatment (A Review), J. Chem Soc. of Pak, 2012
36. B.Zeb,Q.Mahmood Effect of Hospital Wastes on Drinking water quality of KPK Hospitals Pakistan. , Value in health, 2012
37. B.Zeb Evaluating the prevalence associated with smoking behavior among university students in Pakistan, Value in Health, 2012