
Faculty Profile

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Area of Interest:
Journal Publications
1. A.Tahir Predicting land use dynamics, surface temperature and urban thermal field variance index in mild cold climate urban area of Pakistan, Heliyon, 2024
2. Wu Kunpeng,A.Tahir Spatiotemporal pattern of glacier mass balance in the Tibetan Plateau interior area over the past 40 years, Journal of Hydrology, 2024
3. Mudassir Khan,A.Tahir Machine learning-based assessment and simulation of land use modification effects on seasonal and annual land surface temperature variations, Heliyon, 2023
4. A.Nazir,A.Tahir,Dr. AM Abbasi Analysis of the relationship among land surface temperature (LST), land use land cover (LULC), and normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) with topographic elements in the lower Himalayan region. Heliyon, 9(2)., Heliyon, 2023
5. A.Tahir,R.Khan Heterogeneous mass balance of selected Glaciers in the Hindu Kush, Karakoram, and Himalaya between 2000 and 2018, European Journal of Remote Sensing, 2023
6. A.Tahir,M.Irshad,Khan, A. J.,Dr. AM Abbasi Simulation of the meltwater under different climate change scenarios in a poorly gauged snow and glacier-fed chitral river catchment (Hindukush region), Geocarto Intenational, 2022
7. R.Khan,A.Tahir,M.Siddique,M.Bilal Layered Double Hydroxide and Graphitc Carbon Nitride Hybrid as Nanoadsorbent for Selected Azo-Dye Removal from Aqueous Solution, International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 2022
8. Muhammad Asfand Ijaz,A.Tahir Prediction of Sediment Yield in a Data-Scarce River Catchment at the Sub-Basin Scale Using Gridded Precipitation Datasets, Water, 2022
9. A.Tahir,A.Nazir,K. Ahmad,Syed Umair Shahid,R.Khan Trends and projections of land use land cover and land surface temperature using an integrated weighted evidence-cellular automata (WE-CA) model, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2022
10. Mohammad Omar Ahmad Shakarneh,A.Tahir,Q.Mahmood,M. Shahzad,Khan, A. J.,R.Khan Modeling of rainfall–runoff events using HEC-HMS model in southern catchments of Jerusalem Desert-Palestine, Arabian Journal of Geosciences , 2022
11. Huma Hayat,A.Tahir,Shiyin Liu,Sher Muhammad,Muhammad Saifullah,Muhammad Ashraf,R.Khan Flood Hazard Mapping of Rivers in Snow- and Glacier-Fed Basins of Different Hydrological Regimes Using a Hydrodynamic Model under RCP Scenarios, Water, 2021
12. Muhammad Fawad,Faridullah,Wisal Shah,M.Irshad,Q.Mahmood,A.Tahir,Didar Ahmad IMPACTS OF THE MARBLE WASTE SLURRY ON GROUND WATER QUALITY AND ITS REUSE POTENTIAL , Fresenius Environmental Bulletin , 2021
13. Muhammad Fawad,Faridullah,M.Irshad,Wisal Shah,A.Tahir,Q.Mahmood,Toqeer Ahmed Pollution hotspots and potential impacts on land use in the Mohmand Marble Zone, Pakistan, Environmental Earth Sciences, 2021
14. F.Hafeez,M.Irshad,Q.Mahmood,A.Tahir,Dr. Akhtar Iqbal,Faridullah,Didar Ahmad The comparative analysis of essential nutrient fractions in permafrost and different land use systems of Diamer Division, Gilgit-Baltistan, Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 2021
15. Didar Ahmad,Faridullah,F.Hafeez,M.Irshad,Q.Mahmood,A.Tahir,Dr. Akhtar Iqbal Comparative analysis of essential nutrients fractions in permafrost and different land use system of Diamer Division Gilgit Baltistan. , Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 2021
16. A.Tahir Surging dynamics of glaciers in Hunza valley under an equilibrium mass state since 1990, Remote sensing, 2020
17. A.Tahir Upward expansion of Supra-glacial Debris Cover in the Hunza Valley, Karakoram during 1990 ~ 2019, Frontiers in Earth Sciences, 2020
18. A.Tahir Spatio-temporal Trends in Snow Extent and their Linkage to Hydro-climatological and Topographical Factors in the Chitral River Basin (Hindukush, Pakistan), Geocarto International, 2020
19. A.Tahir,Khan, A. J. Impacts of Climate Change on the Water Availability, Seasonality and Extremes in the Upper Indus Basin (UIB), Sustainability, 2020
20. A.Tahir Spatio-temporal changes in the six major glaciers of the Chitral River basin (Hindukush Region of Pakistan) between 2001 and 2018, Journal of Mountain Sciences, 2020
21. A.Tahir Comprehensive evaluation of 0.25° precipitation datasets combined with MOD10A2 snow cover data in the ice-dominated river basins of Pakistan, Atmospheric research, 2020
22. A.Tahir,Khan, A. J. Remote Sensing-Based Quantification of the Relationships between Land Use Land Cover Changes and Surface Temperature over the Lower Himalayan Region, Sustainability, 2019
23. A.Tahir Exploring climate change impacts during 1st half of the 21st century on flow regime of the transboundary Kabul River in the Hindukush region, Journal of Water and Climate Change, 2019
24. A.Tahir,Muhammad Saifullah,Shiyin Liu Development of Threshold Levels and a Climate-Sensitivity Model of the Hydrological Regime of the High-Altitude Catchment of the Western Himalayas, Pakistan, Water, 2019
25. A.Tahir,Dr. AM Abbasi,K. Ahmad,A.Nazir,Siddique Ullah Analysis and simulation of land cover changes and their impacts on land surface temperature in a lower Himalayan region, Journal of Environmental Management, 2019
26. A.Tahir Application of Multi-Indexes to Characterize Dry Periods in Songhua River Basin of Northeast China, Climate research, 2019
27. A.Tahir,M.Irshad,Huma Hayat Simulating Current and Future River-Flows in the Karakoram and Himalayan Regions of Pakistan Using Snowmelt-Runoff Model and RCP Scenarios, Water, 2019
29. A.Tahir Hypsometric Properties of Mountain Landscape of Hunza River Basin of the Karakoram Himalaya, Journal of Mountain Sciences, 2018
30. S.U.Baig,Hum.Khan,A.Tahir Hypsometric properties of mountain landscape of Hunza River Basin of the Karakoram Himalaya, Journal of Mountain Science, 2018
31. A.Tahir Performance Evaluation of Hydrological Models using Ensemble of General Circulation Models in the Northeastern China, Journal of Hydrology, 2018
32. Jesse Norris,Leila M. V. Carvalho,Charles Jones,Forest Cannon,Bodo Bookhagen,Elisa Palazzi,A.Tahir The spatiotemporal variability of precipitation over the Himalaya: evaluation of one-year WRF model simulation, Climate Dynamics, 2017
33. A.Tahir Simulation of snowmelt-runoff under climate change scenarios in a data-scarce mountain environment, International Journal of Digital Earth, 2017
34. A.Tahir Effect Of Irrigation Application On Soil And Land Productivity Of Wheat Under Semi-Arid Environment, Journal of Agricultural research, 2017
35. A.Tahir The influence of tropical forcing on extreme winter precipitation in the western Himalaya, Climate dynamics, 2017
36. Yongjian DING,Donghui SHANGGUAN,A.Tahir,Muhammad Naveed Anjum Comparison of two successive versions 6 and 7 of TMPA satellite precipitation products with rain gauge data over Swat Watershed, Hindukush Mountains, Pakistan, Atmospheric Science Letters, 2016
37. Pierre Chevallier,Ayaz-ul-Haq,Silvia Terzago,A.Tahir,Jan Franklin Adamowski Comparative assessment of spatiotemporal snow cover changes and hydrological behavior of the Gilgit, Astore and Hunza River basins (Hindukush-Karakoram-Himalaya region - Pakistan), Meteorology and Atmospheric physics, 2016
38. A.Tahir Sediment control interventions and river flow dynamics: impact on sediment entry into the large canals, Environmental Earth Sciences, 2015
39. A.Tahir,Adnan Muhammad,Q.Mahmood,Sheikh Saeed Ahmad,Zahid Ullah Impact of rapid urbanization on microclimate of urban areas of Pakistan, Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health , 2015
40. A.Tahir,Yves Arnaud,Muhammad Ashraf,Muhammad Tousif Bhatti,Pierre Chevallier Snow cover trend and hydrological characteristics of the Astore River basin (Western Himalayas) and its comparison to the Hunza basin (Karakoram region), Science of The Total Environment, 2015
41. Dr. AM Abbasi,MN. Khan,A.Nazir,A.Tahir Traditional uses of medicinal plants against malarial disease by the tribal communities of Lesser Himalayas–Pakistan, Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 2014
42. A.Tahir Comparison of two snowmelt modelling approaches in the Dudh Koshi Basin (Eastern Himalayas, Nepal) , Hydrological SCiences Journal, 2014
43. Nadeem Khan, Xinbo Guo,Mir Ajab Khan,Manzoor Hussain, Sultan Bibi,Dr. AM Abbasi,A.Nazir,A.Tahir,Ghulam Mujtaba Shah Traditionalusesofmedicinalplantsagainstmalarialdisease bythetribalcommunitiesofLesserHimalayas–Pakistan, Journal ofEthnopharmacology, May 2014, 2014
44. A.Tahir,Adnan Muhammad,Q.Mahmood,Sheikh Saeed Ahmad,Zahid Ullah Impact of Rapid Urbanization on Microclimate of Urban Areas of Pakistan,, Air Quality, Atmosphere and Health, 2014
45. A.Tahir,M.Bilal Remote sensing data application to monitor snow cover variation and hydrological regime in a poorly gauged river catchment – Northern Pakistan, International Journal of Geosciences, 2014
46. A.Tahir,M.Bilal Waste biomass adsorbents for copper removal from industrial wastewater— A review, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2013
47. M.Bilal,Tahhab Ashfaq,Syed Mubasher Gardezi,A.Tahir,A.Pervez,Q.Mahmood Waste biomass adsorbents for copper removal from industrial wastewater—A review, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2013
48. Elisa Palazzi,Paolo Cristofanelli,A.Tahir,Elisa Vuillermoz ,Paolo Bonasoni,Antonello Provenzale Climatic characterization of Baltoro glacier (Karakoram) and northern Pakistan from in-situ stations, Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU General Assembly 2013, 2013
49. A.Tahir Modeling snowmelt-runoff under climate scenarios in the Hunza River basin, Karakoram Range, Northern Pakistan, Journal of Hydrology, 2011
50. A.Tahir Snow cover dynamics and hydrological regime of the Hunza River basin, Karakoram Range, Northern Pakistan, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2011
1. A.Tahir Status and Change of the Cryosphere in the Extended Hindu Kush Himalaya Region, , 2019
2. Cristofanelli Paolo,Vuillermoz Elisa,Provenzale Antonello,A.Tahir,Elisa Palazzi Climate Change and Engineering Geology, , 2014