
Faculty Profile

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Area of Interest:
Journal Publications
1. S.K.Zaman,J.Shujah,I.A.Khan,S.S.Hussain,T. Iqbal,S. F. Ahmed, Y. Jararweh, K. Ko. PreDiKT‐OnOff: A complex adaptive approach to study the impact of digital social networks on Pakistani students' personal and social life, Concurrency and Computation Practice & Experience, 2020
2. S.S.Hussain,I.A.Khan,W.Jadoon,B.Nazir,Attiqa Rehman Redesign and validation of a computer programming course using Inductive Teaching Method, PLOS-One, 2020
3. Beenish Gul,O.Khalid,S. Mustafa,I.Khan,S.S.Hussain,DARREN DANCEY,RAHEEL NAWAZ CPU and RAM Energy-Based SLA-Aware Workload Consolidation Techniques for Clouds, IEEE Access, 2020
4. I.A.Khan,S.S.Hussain,B.Nazir,W.Jadoon,I.Khan Design and evaluation of a dynamic job search website for non-literate users of Pakistan, New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia, 2019
5. I.A.Khan,Ahmad Khan,B.Nazir,S.S.Hussain,F.G Khan,I.Khan Urdu Translation: the Validation and Reliability of the 120-Item Big Five IPIP Personality Scale, Current Psychology, 2019
6. Attiqa Rehman,S.S.Hussain,Dr. Zia ur Rehman Multi‐objective approach of energy efficient workflow scheduling in cloud environments, Concurrency and Computation Practice and Experience , 2018
7. S.S.Hussain,I.A.Khan Fighting adult illiteracy with the help of the environmental print material, PLOS One, 2018
8. Attiqa Rehman,S.S.Hussain,I.A.Khan A SURVEY ON USAGE OF TOUCHSCREEN VERSUS MOUSE FOR INTERACTION, Science International , 2017
9. I.A.Khan,S.S.Hussain,T.Iqbal Job search website for illiterate users of Pakistan, Telematics and Informatics, 2017