
Dr Abda Khalid

  /  Dr Abda Khalid
Assistant Professor, Development Studies
Specialization: International Environment and Development
Phone: 0992-383591-6

Academics/ Degrees:

2016 PhD in International Environment and Development Studies, from Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Norway

2009 Certificate course on Sustainable Sanitation-decentralized, natural and      ecological  Wastewater treatment from Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Norway

2010 MS (Water Sanitation Health and Development), Department of Environmental Sciences,   COMSATS University, Abbottabad Pakistan.

2008 BES (Environmental Sciences), Department of Environmental Sciences, COMSATS University, Abbottabad Pakistan.

Journal Publications
1. Khattak,A.Khalid Unveiling Obstacles: A Comprehensive Examination of Women's Struggles in Acquiring and Administering Ownership of Immoveable Property. Kurdish Studies, 12(4): 1497-1507, Kurdish Studies Journal, 2024
2. A.Khalid,Khattak,Shakir.U Gender and development in post-conflict Swat, Pakistan: a critical analysis of NGO approaches used in development projects, Conflict, Security & Development, 2022
3. Asmat Wazir,Khan. H,A.Khalid Ibn Khaldun Theory of Asabiyyah and the Rise and Fall of the Mughals in South Asia, Journal of Al-Tamaddun, 2022
4. Anbreen Bibi,Khattak,A.Khalid Womens’ Inheritance right in Jeopardy: Assessing the socio-economic and cultural factors hindering womens’ right to own land, Indian Journal of Economics and Business, 10 December, 2021
5. Z.Khalid,Xing-Min Meng,A.Khalid A Qualitative Insight into Gendered Vulnerabilities: A Case Study of the Shishper GLOF in Hunza Valley, Pakistan, Sustainability, 6 August, 2021
6. Muhammad Zafar Khan,Haider Abbas,A.Khalid Climate vulnerability of irrigation systems in the Upper Indus Basin: insights from three Karakoram villages in northern Pakistan, Climate and Development, 2021
7. Safiullah,A.Khalid,N.Elahi Old wine in a new bottle: Governance, fragility and armed conflict trio in Swat Valley, Pakistan,, Cogent Social Sciences, May 2020, 2020
8. D.Shawar,Khattak,A.Khalid Are NGO's Bridging the gaps? Analyzing opportunities for gender and political empowerment in Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Global Social Sciences Review, July , 2019
9. A.Khalid Human Excreta: A Resource or A Taboo? Assessing the Socio-Cultural Barriers, Acceptability and Reuse of Human Excreta as a Resource in Kakul Village District Abbottabad Northwestern Pakistan., February 2017, 2017
10. A.Khalid,Khattak Whose property whose authority? Gendering the legal and customary practices in ownership and access to land: A case of Swat, Pakistan, Journal of Rural Studies, 2015
11. A.Khalid,Khattak Participatory Development Practices: A Critical Analysis of Gender Empowerment and Development in pre and post Crises Swat, Pakistan. , 20.02.2015, 2015
12. A.Khalid Whose property whose authority? Gendering the legal and customary practices in ownership and access to land: A case of Swat, Pakistan., 20.02.2015, 2015

2016- present: Assistant Professor in Department of Development Studies

2015 Worked as a researcher in Department of Development Studies

2011-2015 Worked as a Researcher in  Norwegian Research Council’s funded ( 3 years funded project) “Gender and Human Security in Post-Conflict Pakistan: Policy implications of local, gendered understandings of security and development”

2012-2013 Extensive filed research experience in Conflict Swat on gendered land relations in North Western Pakistan as PhD Research

2011-2016 Supervised bachelor’s students in their research work in Norwegian University of life sciences and Masters Students in COMSATS Abbottabad.

2010-2011 Worked as a research associate in Department of Environmental Sciences

Research Interests

Major expertise/experience and interest lies in gender analysis particularly in post conflict settings. Worked closely in studying and analyzing gender dynamics of different development and humanitarian activities going on in post conflict areas. In addition, interested in understanding and exploring the human security and its gendered impacts in societies in transition.

Understanding the legal pluralities and legal plural orders rivalling in complex societies is another filed of interest. Keen to study this theoretical concept in future endeavors.

Although, major exposure and experience is set in post crises Swat but the experience gained can definitely be used in conflict and disaster settings at large.