
Dr Kashif Bilal

  /  Dr Kashif Bilal
Associate Professor/Head of Department, Computer Science
Cloud Computing, Data Center Networks, Software Defined Networks, Internet of Things, Distributed Systems, and Expert Systems.

Phone: (92)992-383591-5

Academics/ Degrees:

  • PhD in Electrical & Computer Engineering, North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND, USA, 2014.
  • MS, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Abbottabad, Pakistan, 2007
  • MCS, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Abbottabad, Pakistan, 2004
  • B.Sc., University of Peshawar, Peshawar, Pakistan, 2001
Journal Publications
1. Latif U. Khan,E. Mustafa,J.Shujah,F. Rehman,K.Bilal,Zhu Han,Zhu Han,Choong Seon Hong,Choong Seon Hong Federated learning for digital twin-based vehicular networks: Architecture and challenges, IEEE Wireless Communications, 2024
2. Sana Nasim Karam, Junaid Shuja,K.Bilal,AN Khan,Said Jadid Abdulkadir Energy-efficient routing protocol for reliable low-latency Internet of Things in oil and gas pipeline monitoring, PEERJ, 2024
3. E. Mustafa,E. Mustafa,S. Mustafa,T. Maqsood,F. Rehman,J.Shujah,K.Bilal,A. U. R. Khan Reinforcement Learning for Intelligent Online Computation Offloading in Wireless Powered Edge Networks, Cluster Computing, 2023
4. K.Bilal Video transcoding at the edge: cost and feasibility perspective, 26, 2023
5. J.Shujah,Dr. Shoaib Azmat,K.Bilal,Dr. Zia ur Rehman Object identification based stall detection and stall legitimacy analysis for traffic patterns, Journal of Electronic Imaging, SPIE, 2022
6. K.Bilal,J.Shujah Addressing Challenges of Distance Learning in the Pandemic with Edge Intelligence Enabled Multicast and Caching Solution, Sensors, 2022
7. K.Bilal,Kamran Zahoor Multicast at Edge: An Edge Network Architecture for Service-Less Crowdsourced Live Video Multicast, IEEE Access, 2021
8. Emna Baccour,K.Bilal An Intelligent Resource Reservation for Crowdsourced Live Video Streaming Applications in Geo-Distributed Cloud Environment, IEEE Systems journal, 2021
9. J.Shujah,K.Bilal Applying machine learning techniques for caching in next-generation edge networks: A comprehensive survey, Journal of Network and Computer Applications , 2021
10. Kamran Zahoor,K.Bilal Service-less video multicast in 5G: Enablers and challenges, IEEE Network, 2020
11. Emna Baccour,K.Bilal Pccp: Proactive video chunks caching and processing in edge networks, FGCS, 2020
12. J Chen, K Li, H Rong,K.Bilal,K Li, S Y Philip A Periodicity-based Parallel Time Series Prediction Algorithm in Cloud Computing Environments, Information Sciences, 2019
13. K.Bilal,O.Khalid Nutshell—Simulation toolkit for Modeling Data Center Networks and Cloud Computing, IEEE Access, 2019
14. K.Bilal Collaborative joint caching and transcoding in mobile edge networks, Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 2019
15. J. Chen,K. Li,K.Bilal A Bi-layered Parallel Training Architecture for Large-scale Convolutional Neural Networks, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2019
16. S.K.Zaman,T. Maqsood,Dr. Mazhar Ali,K.Bilal,S. A. Madani, A. R. Khan A load balanced task scheduling heuristic for large-scale computing systems, International Journal of Computer Systems Science & Engineering, 2019
17. K.Bilal,M Manzano, A Erbad,E. Calle, S.U. Khan Robustness quantification of hierarchical complex networks under targeted failures, Computers & Electrical Engineering, 2018
18. K.Bilal,A Erbad, M Hefeeda QoE-aware distributed cloud-based live streaming of multisourced multiview videos, Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 2018
19. K.Bilal,J Chen, K Li,A A Metwally, K Li, P Yu Parallel Protein Community Detection in Large-scale PPI Networks Based on Multi-source Learning, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 2018
20. M. Ali,K.Bilal,S. U. Khan, B. Veeravalli,K. Li, A. Y. Zomaya DROPS: Division and Replication of Data in the Cloud for Optimal Performance and Security, IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, 2018
21. H Liu, B Liu, L T Yang,M Lin, YDeng,K.Bilal,S U Khan Thermal-Aware and DVFS-Enabled Big Data Task Scheduling for Data Centers, IEEE Transactions on Big Data, 2018
22. T. Maqsood,K.Bilal,Sajjad A. Madani Congestion-aware core mapping for Network-on-Chip based systems using betweenness centrality, Future Generation Computer Systems, 2018
23. R.Wasim,R.shan,K.Bilal,A. R. Khan,J.Shujah,S. Sarwar, T. A. Altameem, S. A. Madani An Investigation of Video Communication over Bandwidth Limited Public Safety Network, Malaysian Journal of Computer Science, 2018
24. J Chen, K Li, HRong,K.Bilal,N Yang, K Li A disease diagnosis and treatment recommendation system based on big data mining and cloud computing, Information Sciences, 2018
25. Dr. Mazhar Ali,K.Bilal,S. U. Khan,B. Veeravalli,K. Li,A. Y. Zomaya DROPS: Division and Replication of Data in the Cloud for Optimal Performance and Security, IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, 2018
26. S. Mustafa,K.Bilal,S. R. Malik,S. A. Madani SLA-Aware Energy Efficient Resource Management for Cloud Environments, IEEE Access, 2018
27. K.Bilal,O.Khalid,A Erbad, S U Khan Potentials, trends, and prospects in edge technologies: Fog, cloudlet, mobile edge, and micro data centers, Computer Networks, 2018
28. A. W. Malik,K.Bilal,S. U. R. Malik, Z. Anwar, K. Aziz,D. Kliazovich, N. Ghani,S. U. Khan, R. Buyya CloudNetSim++: A GUI Based Framework for Modeling and Simulation of Data Centers in OMNeT++, IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, 2017
29. K.Bilal,A. Erbad, M. Hefeeda Crowd sourced Multi-View Live Video Streaming using Cloud Computing, IEEE Access, 2017
30. Dr. Usman Shahid,Jacob Glower,Scott Smith,Samee U. Khan,Keqin Li,Albert Zomaya,S. M. Ali,K.Bilal,Muhammad Jawad An Ancillary Services Model for Data Centers and Power Systems, IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing , 2017
31. J. Chen,K.Bilal A Parallel Random Forest Algorithm for Big Data in a Spark Cloud Computing Environment, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems , 2017
32. S. U. R. Malik,K.Bilal,S. U. Khan, B. Veeravalli,K. Li, A. Y. Zomaya Modeling and Analysis of the Thermal Properties Exhibited by Cyber Physical Data Centers, IEEE Systems Journal, 2017
33. F. Rehman,O.Khalid,N. Haq,Atta ur Rehman,K.Bilal,Sajjad A. Madani Diet-Right: A Smart Food Recommendation System, KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, 2017
34. J.Shujah,A. Gani, S. Shamshirband,R.Wasim,K.Bilal Sustainable Cloud Data Centers: A survey of enabling techniques and technologies, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2016
35. J.Shujah,A. Gani,K.Bilal,A. R. Khan, S. A. Madani, S. U. Khan,A. Zomaya A Survey of Mobile Virtualization: Taxonomy and State of the Art, ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR), 2016
36. Y. Lin, S. U. R. Malik, ,K.Bilal,Q. Yang, Y. Wang, S. U. Khan Designing and Modeling of Covert Channels in Operating Systems, IEEE Transactions on Computers, 2016
37. J.Shujah,K.Bilal,M. Othman, S. A. Madani, S. U. Khan,P. Balaji, R. Ranjan Survey of Techniques and Architectures for Designing Energy-Efficient Data Centers, IEEE Systems Journal, 2016
38. J. Chen, K. Li, Z. Tang,K.Bilal,K. Li A Parallel Patient Treatment Time Prediction Algorithm and Its Applications in Hospital Queuing-Recommendation in a Big Data Environment, IEEE Access, 2016
39. K.Bilal,Ahmad Fayyaz, Samee U. Khan, Saeeda Usman Power-aware resource allocation in computer clusters using dynamic threshold voltage scaling and dynamic voltage scaling: comparison and analysis, Cluster Computing, 2015, 2015
40. Assad Abbas,K.Bilal,Limin Zhang,S. U. Khan A Cloud Based Health Insurance Plan Recommendation System: A User Centered Approach, Future Generation Computer Systems, 2015, 2015
41. J.Shujah,K.Bilal,S. A. Madani, S. U. Khan Data center energy efficient resource scheduling, Cluster Computing, 2014
42. K.Bilal,S. U. R. Malik,O.Khalid,A. Hameed, E. Alvarez,V. Wijaysekara, R. Irfan,S. Shrestha, D. Dwivedy,M. Ali, U. S. Khan,A. Abbas, N. Jalil, S. U. Khan A Taxonomy and Survey on Green Data Center Networks, Future Generation Computer Systems, 2014
43. A. Chandio,K.Bilal,N. Tziritas, Z. Yu,Q. Jiang, S. U. Khan,C. Xu A Comparative Study on Resource Allocation and Energy Efficient Job Scheduling Strategies in Large-Scale Parallel Computing Systems, Cluster Computing, June 2014, 2014
44. K.Bilal,S.U.R. Malik,S. U. Khan, A. Zomaya Trends and Challenges in Cloud Data Centers, IEEE Cloud Computing Magazine, 2014
45. M. Manzano,K.Bilal,E. Calle, S. U. Khan On the Connectivity of Data Center Networks, IEEE Communications Letters, 2013
46. K.Bilal,S. U. Khan, M. Manzano,E. Calle, K. Li, A. Zomaya On the Characterization of the Structural Robustness of Data Center Networks, IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, 2013
47. K.Bilal,Samee U. Khan,S.Madani,K.Hayat,Majid I. Khan,Nasro Min-Allah,Joanna Kolodziej,Lizhe Wang,Sherali Zeadally,Dan Chen A survey on Green communications using Adaptive Link Rate, Cluster Computing, 2013
48. K.Bilal,Limin Zhang,Hongxiang Li,S.Madani,Nasro Min-Allah,Lizhe Wang,Dan Chen,Majid Iqbal,Cheng-Zhong Xu,Albert Y. Zomaya,Samee U. Khan Quantitative comparisons of the state-of-the-art data center architectures, Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 2013
49. Mehran Ajmal,S.Madani,T. Maqsood,K.Bilal,B.Nazir,K.Hayat Coordinated opportunistic routing protocol for wireless mesh networks, Computers & Electrical Engineering, 12th August, 2013, 2013
50. J.Shujah,S.Madani,K.Bilal,K.Hayat,Samee U Khan,Shahzad Sarwar Energy-efficient data centers, Computing, 2012
51. S. Mustafa,S.Madani,K.Bilal,K.Hayat,Samee U Khan Stable‐path multi‐channel routing with extended level channel assignment, International Journal of Communication Systems 25, no. 7, 2012
52. U. Muhammad,K.Bilal,A. Khan, N. Khan AGHAZ: An Expert System Based approach for the Translation of English to Urdu, International Journal of Human and Social Sciences, 2008
53. K.Bilal,T.Iqbal,A. Safi, N. daudpota Dynamic Load Balancing in PVM Using Intelligent Application, World Academy of Science, Engineering, and Technology, 2007
54. K.Bilal,U. Muhammad, N. Khan Extracting Multiword Expressions in Machine Translation from English to Urdu using Relational Data Approach, World Academy Of Science, Engineering, and Technology, 2007
Conference Publications
1. K.Bilal,Emna Baccour FacebookVideoLive18: A live video streaming dataset for streams metadata and online viewers locations, , 2020
2. A Erbad,K.Bilal Crowdsourced MultiView Live Video Streaming using Cloud Computing, , 2018
3. K.Bilal,A. Erbad Edge computing for interactive media and video streaming, , 2017
4. K.Bilal,A. Erbad Impact of Multiple Video Representations in Live Streaming: A Cost, Bandwidth, and QoE Analysis, , 2017
5. S. Mustafa,K.Bilal, S. A. Madani, N. Tziritas,S. U. Khan, L. T. Yang Performance Evaluation of Energy-aware Best Fit Decreasing Algorithms for Cloud Environments, , 2015
6. U. Rahman,K.Bilal,S. U. Khan, L. T. Yang Nutshell: Cloud Simulation and Current Trends, , 2015
7. K. Aziz, S. U. Khan, R. Buyya,K.Bilal,A. Malik CloudNetSim++: A Toolkit for Data Center Simulations in OMNET++, , 2015
8. S. Usman,K.Bilal,N. Ghani, S. U. Khan, L. T. Yang Thermal-Aware, Power Efficient, and Makespan Realized Pareto Front for Cloud Scheduler, , 2015
9. K.Bilal,S.U. Khan, A. Zomaya Green Data Center Networks: Challenges and Opportunities, , 2013
10. A. A. Chandio, C.-Z. Xu, N. Tziritas,K.Bilal,S. U. Khan A Comparative Study of Job Scheduling Strategies in Large-Scale Parallel Computational Systems, , 2013
11. K.Bilal,S. Mohsin Muhadith: A Cloud Based Distributed Expert System for Classification of Ahadith, , 2012
12. K.Bilal,Samee U Khan,Joanna Kolodziej,Limin Zhang,S.Madani,Nasro Min-Allah,Lizhe Wang,Dan Chen A comparative study of data center network architectures, , 2012
13. Siqian Liu,K.Bilal,Samee U Khan,Hongxiang Li,Nasro Min-Allah,Juan Li,Nasir Ghani,Pascal Bouvry,S.Madani Heuristics-based nominal channels allocation in cellular networks, , 2010
14. Aida Vosoughi,K.Bilal,Samee U Khan,Nasro Min-Allah,Juan Li,Nasir Ghani,Pascal Bouvry,S.Madani A multidimensional robust greedy algorithm for resource path finding in large-scale distributed networks, , 2010
15. R.Jadoon,K.Bilal,M. Afzal An Improved Energy Efficient Cluster Based Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks, , 2009
16. S.M.H Shah,K.Bilal,AN Khan,A. U. Rehman TCP Congestion Control: a Hybrid Approach, , 2007
17. F.G Khan,A. Saeed,B.Nazir,K.Bilal,N. Ayub Improved IP Network for Emergency Service, , 2007
1. K.Bilal,O.Khalid,U. Khan, S. Malik, S. U. Khan,A. Zomaya Fault Tolerance in Cloud, , 2016
2. K.Bilal, Samee U Khan, Marc Manzano, Eusebi Calle, ,Sajjad A Madani, Khizar Hayat, Dan Chen, ,Lizhe Wang, Rajiv Ranjan Modeling and Simulation of Data Center Networks, , 2015
3. Y. Wu,K.Bilal,S. U. Khan, L. Wang, A. Y. Zomaya Scalable Computing and Communications: Past, Present, and Future, , 2013
4. P. Lindberg,K.Bilal,S. U. Khan, P. Bouvry,N. Ghani, N. Min-Allah, J. Li Comparison and Analysis of Greedy Energy-Efficient Scheduling Algorithms for Computational Grids, , 2012

  • April 11,2022 to continuedDepartment of Computer Science, COMSATS University Islamabad,
    Abbottabad Campus
  • Aug. 2014 to April 11,2022 Assistant Professor, Department of CS, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Abbottabad
  • Apr. 2008 to Aug. 2011: Lecturer, Department of CS, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Abbottabad
  • Aug. 2007 to Apr. 2008: Assist. Manager, Air Weapons Complex (NESCOM), Wah
  • Mar. 2004 to Aug. 2007: Lecturer, Department of CS, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology
Research Interests
Cloud Computing, Data Center Networks, Software Defined Networks, Internet of Things, Distributed Systems, and Expert Systems.


  • North Dakota State University, CoE Researcher of the Year 2014