Graduate Students Research
Supervision 1. Global MPPT Under Partial Shading Conditions using Neural Network
based Integral Terminal Sliding Mode Control for PV System 2. A Neuro Fuzzy based Maximum Power Point Tracking for Partially
Shaded PV System using Terminal Sliding Mode Control with Uncertainties 3. Design of Fuzzy PI and Fuzzy Sliding Mode Controllers to Improve
the Global MPPT of Partially Shaded Photovoltaic System 4. Sliding Mode Based MPC Strategy for Fast Torque Response and Torque Ripples Reduction of Induction Motor (Co-Supervised) Undergraduate Students Final
Year Projects Supervision 1. Smart Glove Hand Gesture Vocalizer for Deaf and Dumb 2. Deep Learning based Intelligent MPPT controller for PV System 3. Deep
Learning Based Adaptive Traffic Light Controller Implementation Using Raspberry 4. Smart
Footstep Power Generation for Low Power Applications 5. Design
of Self-cleaning Solar Tracking System for Maximum Power Optimization and Maximum
Power Point Tracking 6. A
Wireless Telemedicine System for Patients Monitoring and Diagnosis 7. CNC
Smart Farming System 8. Hybrid
Power Generation using MPPT Charge Controller for Remote Areas 9. Simulation
of Power System Fault Detection, Classification and Location Using Artificial
Neural Network (ANN) 10. IOT
based Underground Power Cable Fault Detection, Classification and Location
Detection System 11. Utility
Small Unmanned Aircraft System (U-SUAS) 12. Modeling
and Control of Left Ventricle Assist Device 13. GSM Based Electronic Automatic Unit for Transformer Safety Control 14. Steam
Generator Control Using Advance Optimization Techniques 15. Intelligent
Control of Steam Generator 16. Root Solving Neural Network Control System Design for Nonlinear Dynamic Systems Courses Taught 1. Signals and Systems 2. Digital Signal Processing 3. Principles of Communication Systems 4. Real-time Embedded Systems 5. Programming Fundamentals 6. Object Oriented Programming Projects Funding 1. “Deep Learning Based Adaptive Traffic Light Controller
Implementation Using Raspberry”, NGIRI, Ignite (47,000 PKR) 2. “Smart Glove Hand Gesture Vocalizer for Deaf and Dumb”, PEC, (200,000 PKR) Certifications 1. AI for Everyone from COURSERA “Credential ID M7GJ9AERAVXF”, 2022 2. Cisco Certified Network Associate from CIIT, 2007 3. IBM Lotus Domino System Administration Operating Fundamentals. from NUST, 2008. |