
Dr. Nangyal Ghani Khan

  /  Dr. Nangyal Ghani Khan
Assistant Professor, Earth Sciences
Specialization: Exploration Geophysics and Seismology
Phone: (92)992-383591-6

Academics/ Degrees:

  • PhD (2017), Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
  • M. Phil. (Pakistan)
Journal Publications
1. S.T.H. Shah,N.G. Khan The Mineralization and Structural Geology of the Porphyry Copper Deposits of Pakistan, Nepal Journal of Science and Technology, 2021
2. J.I.Tanoli,N.G. Khan,F. R. Qaiser,S.T.H. Shah GIS‑based spatial landslide distribution analysis of district Neelum, AJ&K, Pakistan, Natural Hazards, Springer, 2021
3. S.T.H. Shah,F. R. Qaiser,N.G. Khan Magnetic prospecting and geochemical analysis for the mineral exploration of Mali‑Dera deposits, Kohistan Island Arc‑Pakistan, Environmental Earth Sciences- Springer, 2020
4. S.T.H. Shah,Mohsin Tariq,N.G. Khan Gold deposits of Pakistan: A short review, Bulletin- Journal of Nepal Geological Society- JNGS, 2020
5. S.T.H. Shah,Mohsin Tariq,F. R. Qaiser,N.G. Khan Chromite deposits of Pakistan: A short review, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH -GRANTHAALAYAH, 2019
6. S.T.H. Shah,F. R. Qaiser,U. Baral,N.G. Khan Structural and tectonic deformation of the Tibetan plateau since Cretacious: an upshot of Indian-Eurassian Collision, International Research Journal of Earth Sciences, 2018
7. S.T.H. Shah,N.G. Khan,U. Baral,F. R. Qaiser Indian-Eurasian collision, structure, and convergence in the western Himalayan syntaxis along Pamir-Tajikistan -A short review, International Research Journal of Earth Sciences, 2018
8. Zahid Imran Bhatti,S.T.H. Shah,N.G. Khan Structure of crust and upper mantle beneath NW Himalayas, Pamir and Hindukush by multi-scale double-difference seismic tomography, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors , 2018
9. S.T.H. Shah,N.G. Khan Electrical resistivity structures and tectonic impli- cations of Main Karakorum Thrust (MKT) in the western Himalayas, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 2018
10. N.G. Khan Crustal structure beneath Tien Shan orogenic belt and its adjacent regions found by multi-scale seismic data, Science China Earth Sciences, Springer Link, 2017
11. M. MOKLESUR RAHMAN, LING BAI, ,N.G. Khan Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment for Himalayan-Tibetan Region from Historical and Instrumental Earthquake Catalogs, Pure and applied Geophysics, 2017
12. BAI Ling,N.G. Khan Focal depths and mechanisms of shallow earthquakes in the Himalayan-Tibetan region, Gondwana Research, 2017
13. Farooq, M., Park, S., Kim, J. H., Song, Y. S.,Sabir, M. A.,Umar, M.,Tariq, M.,Muhammad, S.,N.G. Khan Time-Lapse Electrical Resistivity Investigations for Imaging the Grouting Injection in Shallow Subsurface Cavities, The Scientific World Journal, 2014