
Dr Shoaib Azmat

  /  Dr Shoaib Azmat
Associate Professor, Computer Engineering
Specialization: Machine Vision, Digital Image Processing, Machine Learning
Phone: +92-992-383591-5

Academics/ Degrees:

  • PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2014
  • MS in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2011
  • BSc in Computer Systems Engineering, UET Peshawar, Pakistan, 2006
Journal Publications
1. F.Daad,Jian Xu,Dr. Shoaib Azmat,M.Aslam,Faiza Rdad A Compact Mathematical Representation of Human Body Silhouettes from Frontal and Lateral Views, International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology, Inderscience, 2024
2. M.Aslam,Jian Xu,Dr. Shoaib Azmat,F.Daad,Zheng Li,J Philip Boudreaux, Ramcharan Thiagarajan,Shaomian Yao A novel method for detection of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma using explainable machine learning. , Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, Elsevier, 2024
3. J.Shujah,Dr. Shoaib Azmat,K.Bilal,Dr. Zia ur Rehman Object identification based stall detection and stall legitimacy analysis for traffic patterns, Journal of Electronic Imaging, SPIE, 2022
4. Waqar Ahmad,Dr. Shoaib Azmat,Hazrat Ali,Zubair Shah Generative Adversarial Network for Medical Images Super Resolution, Scientific Reports, Nature, 2022
5. Mehreen Mubashar,Dr. Shoaib Azmat,Christer Gronlund,Hazrat Ali A Multiscale Recurrent Residual U-Net with Dense Skip Connections for Medical Image Segmentation, Neural Computing and Applications, Springer, 2022
6. Faizan Munawar,Dr. Shoaib Azmat,Talha Iqbal,Christer Gronlund,Hazrat Ali Segmentation of Lungs in Chest X-Ray Image Using Generative Adversarial Networks, IEEE Access, August 2020, 2020
7. Dr. Yasir Ali Shah,Dr. Khalid Javeed,MI.Shehzad,Dr. Shoaib Azmat LUT-based high-speed point multiplier for Goldilocks-Curve448, IET Computer and Digital Techniques, 2020
8. MI.Shehzad,Dr. Shoaib Azmat,Wahab, F Low-cost multiple object tracking for embedded vision applications, Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2019
9. Dr. Yasir Ali Shah,Dr. Khalid Javeed,Dr. Shoaib Azmat,Dr. Xiaojun Wang Redundant-Signed-Digit-Based High Speed Elliptic Curve Cryptographic Processor, Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers, 2018
10. Dr. Yasir Ali Shah,Dr. Khalid Javeed,Dr. Shoaib Azmat,Dr. Xiaojun Wang A high-speed RSD-based Flexible ECC processor for arbitrary curves over general prime field, International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications,, 2018
11. F.Daad,M.Aslam,Dr. Shoaib Azmat,S.Khattak Automated Fiducial Points Detection using Human Body Segmentation, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 2018
12. Z. Mahmood,Nazeer Muhammad,Nargis Bibi,Dr. Shoaib Azmat,MI.Shehzad,Tauseef Ali EAR: Enhanced Augmented Reality System for Sports Entertainment Applications, KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, 20 December, 2017, 2017
13. F.Daad,M.Aslam,Dr. Shoaib Azmat,S.Khattak Automatic Measurement of Anthropometric Dimensions Using Frontal and Lateral Silhouettes, IET Computer Vision, 2017
14. Dr. Shoaib Azmat,MI.Shehzad,Dr. Waheed Malik,Z. Mahmood,Dr. Yasir Ali Shah K-means based multiple objects tracking with long-term occlusion handling, IET Computer Vision, 2017
15. Dr. Shoaib Azmat,Linda Wills,Scott Wills Parallelizing Multimodal Background Modeling on a Low-Power Integrated GPU, Journal of Signal Processing Systems, 2016
16. Scott Wills,Dr. Shoaib Azmat,Linda Wills Multilayer Background Modeling Under Occlusions, Machine Vision and Applications, 2014