
Dr Yasir Ali Shah

  /  Dr Yasir Ali Shah
Assistant Professor, Computer Engineering
Phone: 0992-383591-6
Journal Publications
1. Fahd Sultan,Z. Mahmood,Khurram Khan,Dr. Yasir Ali Shah,M. Shahzad,Uzair Khan Towards Automatic License Plate Recognition in Challenging Conditions, Applied Sciences, pp. 1-29, 2023, 2023
2. M.Fayyaz,Dr. Yasir Ali Shah VLCC-Q: Very low computational complexity optical interconnect architecture with queueing for reducing delay and back pressure probability in data center networks, Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 2022
3. Dr. Yasir Ali Shah,Dr. Khalid Javeed,MI.Shehzad,Dr. Shoaib Azmat LUT-based high-speed point multiplier for Goldilocks-Curve448, IET Computer and Digital Techniques, 2020
4. N. Ullah,F. Khan,Dr. Yasir Ali Shah,ABDUL BASIT, AMIR KHAN, OSAMA WAHEED, ALI USMAN Design and optimization of complementary field excited linear flux switching machine with unequal primary tooth width and segmented secondary, IEEE Access, 2019
5. Safiullah Khan,Dr. Khalid Javeed,Dr. Yasir Ali Shah High-speed FPGA implementation of full-word Montgomery multiplier for ECC applications, Microprocessors and Microsystems, 2018
6. Dr. Yasir Ali Shah,Dr. Khalid Javeed,Dr. Shoaib Azmat,Dr. Xiaojun Wang Redundant-Signed-Digit-Based High Speed Elliptic Curve Cryptographic Processor, Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers, 2018
7. Dr. Yasir Ali Shah,Dr. Khalid Javeed,Dr. Shoaib Azmat,Dr. Xiaojun Wang A high-speed RSD-based Flexible ECC processor for arbitrary curves over general prime field, International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications,, 2018
8. Dr. Shoaib Azmat,MI.Shehzad,Dr. Waheed Malik,Z. Mahmood,Dr. Yasir Ali Shah K-means based multiple objects tracking with long-term occlusion handling, IET Computer Vision, 2017
9. MI.Shehzad,Dr. Mohsin Amin,Dr. Yasir Ali Shah Face Recognition using Average Half Face Template, International Journal of Technology, 2014
10. Dr. Yasir Ali Shah Flow and level control of coupled four tanks system using artificial neural network, American Journal of Computation, Communication and Control , 2014