
Muhammad Ali Faisal

  /  Muhammad Ali Faisal
Assistant Professor, Computer Science
Phone: +92-992-383591-5

Academics/ Degrees:

MS Telecommunication and Networks   from Iqra University, Islamabad                                                                                                                                                  

M. Sc. Communication Technology from University of Sindh

B.Sc. (Hons) in communication technology from University of Sindh

Journal Publications
1. M. Ali Faisal,Wahab, F,Dr. Ali Zahir,sajid Bashir Comparative performance analysis of efficient MIMO detection approaches , International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 2018
2. M. Ali Faisal “Mobile Phone Location Determination in Urban and Rural Areas Using Enhanced Observed Time Difference Technique”, 1S.F. Shaukat, 2M.I. Ansari, 3R. Farooq, 1U. Ibrahim and 1Muhammad Faisal, 2009
  • January 2022 till now: Assistant Professor , Department of Computer Science , COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Abbottabad, Pakistan
  • January 2008 to 2022: Assistant Professor , Department of Electrical Engineering , COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Abbottabad, Pakistan
Research Interests
  • Big Data
  • IoT
  • Multimedia
  • Wireless Networks
Students Supervised


·         CCommunication based Energy management for different prosumer communities

·         Performance analysis of prosumer communities communications networks.


·         Design and Analysis of Network for Medical Biometric Healthcare Applications

·         Implementation of Cloud Computing in Healthcare

·         Wireless Sensor based Intrusion Detection (Prototype)

(Using PIR sensor and Ultrasonic sensors with GUI interface deployed at University Campus) 

·         16-Channel Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) using Optisystem® simulator

·         Simulative Analysis of Wireless LANs over PSTN

·         Hybrid Wireless LAN

·         Study Analysis of EV-DO (using Real network statistics or Data) 

·         Configurable Anti Intrusion Security System (Prototype)