
PhD In Management Sciences(PhD MS)

  /    /  PhD In Management Sciences(PhD MS)

Application and admission

At CIIT the admissions in graduate programs are offered on merit. The merit is determined on the basis if the academic record, GRE/NTS-GAT score and interview.

General Eligibility Criteria


  • An MS/M.Phil degree with Thesis of 06 credit hours or its equivalent degree with Thesis of 06 credit hours, in the relevant field from an accredited institution, with minimum CGPA of 3.0/4.0 (Semester system) or 70% marks (annual system), and no third division (annual system) or ‘D’ grade (semester system) throughout the academic career. 
  • GRE (Subject) as per HEC policy or NTS GAT (subject) with a minimum score of 60.

Program Duration

The duration of studies for PhD degree shall normally be, not less than three years and not more than five years.

Course Work Requirements:

a) A PhD scholar shall have to complete 18 credit hoursof graduate level course work from approved Scheme of Studies and 09 credit hours of PhD thesis. Supervisory committee will recommend the courses for each student. Courses will be selected from the list of all approved graduate level courses. Only 600 level and above courses are permitted for PhD.

b) The reigstration of PhD Thesis of 09 credit hours shall be allowed after the completion of course work for PhD degree.

c) If the scheme of courses completed by the candidates for their last degree in the relevant field does not provide adequate background for the PhD program into which they are seeking admissions, they may be required to rectify the defficiency by taking one or more additional courses proposed by the departmental advisory committee.

Note: Information regarding required oral and written examinations and detailed rules and regulation as specified in the CIIT Graduate Handbook will be considered final.