Two Days Workshop on Women Leadesrhip in Higher Education
Department of Management Sciences, 23-24 April, 2016

- The 1st workshop was organised in collaboration with Duzce University, Turkey in February 2015.
- A very important pioneering project of Duzce University is the leadership and mentorship program for women academicians.
- The universities have a very poor representation of women in Leadership positions despite a very good proportion of women academicians.
- The proportion of women leaders in higher education is very low in Pakistan. An initiative is taken by COMSATS University Islamabad, Pakistan in 2015.
- To discuss the leadership issues in higher education, in general, and the poor representation of women in decision making positions in specific.
- To discuss the obstacles hindering women from becoming leaders in universities, and to determine strategies to overcome these difficulties.
- To share information about experiences in Turkey especially on women leadership in higher education.
- To encourage women academicians at the early stages of their academic career for becoming candidates for leadership positions.
- To submit a final report that summarizes problems and proposes solutions for Pakistan specifically and Islamic World at large.
- The workshop is intended for 50 mid-career women academicians representing all regions and universities of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province of Pakistan.
- There are 19 public/private HEC recognized universities and one campus of COMSATS in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province.
- None of the universities, except women universities, have women in top administrative positions. The share of women faculty in these universities is about 20 percent.
- Form each university at least two women participants, working eaither as faculty or administrative staff, will be attending the workshop.
Resource Persons/ Moderators
- Prof. Dr. Funda SIVRIKAYA SERIFOGLU, Dean, Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Istanbul Bilgi University, Istanbul, Turkey
- Prof. Dr. Noor Jahan , Vice Chancellor, University of Swabi, Swabi
- Prof. Dr. Razia Sultana , Vice Chancellor, SBB Women University, Peshawar
- Prof. Dr. Bushra Hameed, Dean Management & Information Sciences, University of Peshawar
- Prof. Dr. Nasreen Ghufran, Chairperson Department of International Relations, University of Peshawar
- Ms. Qamar Afroz, Senior Audit Associate, KPMG Taseer Hadi & Co Chartered Accountants, Islamabad
- Ms. Adeela Masood Chattha, Manager Human Resources, Alcatel-Lucent Pakistan Limited, Islamabad
- Ms. Juwairia Sultan, Program Officer, Danish International Development Aid
- Prof. Dr. Rehana Rashid, Department of Chemistry, COMSATS university Islamabad, Abbottabad
- Prof. Dr. Shehla Amjad, Department of Management Sciences, COMSATS university Islamabad, Abbottabad
- Dr. Romana Khan, Associate Professor, Department of Environmental Sciences, COMSATS university Islamabad, Abbottabad