
CUI Abbottabad

  /  Oral Defence   /  Oral Defense of PhD Candidate Ms. Humna Ijaz (Development Studies)

Oral Defense of PhD Candidate Ms. Humna Ijaz (Development Studies)

The oral defense of PhD Candidate Registration No. CIIT/FA15-R70-007/ATD is scheduled to be held on Thursday 5th December, 2024, at CUI, Abbottabad Campus in Video Conference Room (Main Library) at 2:30 pm.

The Supervised of   Ms. Humna Ijaz   Dr.  Bahadar Nawab Khattak and the Thesis Title: “Livelihood Challenges and Diversification in the Mountain Community of Galyat, Abbottabad” 

The oral examination will be open to all interested individuals, but the evaluation shall be done by the panel of examiners only.