
Policy for Students with Disabilities

  /  Policy for Students with Disabilities

Student Disability Committee:

COMSATS University Islamabad, Abbottabad Campus has notify a disability committee as per policy of Higher Education Commission with effect from August 2, 2023.

 Persons with disabilities include those who have long-term physical, mental, intellectual impairments which can’t participation in society on an equal basis with others.

Committee will ensure provision of the same level of services and support to students who acquire disability during the course of their study. Every reasonable opportunity will be provided to them to complete their studies successfully.

Policy of student disability detail is available on university portal Policy Link

Dr. Faisal Rehman
Incharge Student Affairs
Mr. Syed Ibrahim Ahmad
Deputy Registrar Coordination
Dr. Abdul Nazeer
Associate Professor ES Department
Dr. Maria Siddique
Associate Professor ES Department
Ms. Sana Farhad
Mr. Afzal Ahmad Khan
Senior Admin Assistant Coordination