
Code of Conduct

  /    /  Code of Conduct

Students Discipline Regulations

Dress Code
CUI Students Discipline Regulations, 2006
  • It is a primary goal of the Institute to create conditions on its campuses which are conducive to not only imparting education to students in a peaceful and serene environment, but also to enrich their personalities by inculcating in them a sense of reason, tolerance, discipline, enlightened moderation, and civilized behavior, thereby ensuring an orderly and decent atmosphere of learning. The following Regulations establish the ground rules of permissible student behavior and structure for their enforcement.


  • These Regulations, framed in pursuance of Section 18 (2) (g) of Ordinance XXXVIII of 2000, for the establishment of the COMSATS University Islamabad, shall be called the “COMSATS University Islamabad Students Discipline Regulations, 2006.”


  • These Regulations shall come into force with immediate effect.


  • These Regulations shall apply to all students of the Institute.


  • In these Regulations, unless there is anything repugnant to the subject or context, the following expressions shall have the meanings respectively assigned to them as under:
  • “Academic Council” means the Academic Council of the Institute;
  • “Board” means the Board of Governors of the Institute;
  • “Campus” means a constituent campus of the Institute;
  • “Campus Discipline Committee” means the Campus Discipline Committee constituted on a campus;
  • “Discipline Committee” means the Discipline Committee constituted at the Institute; 
  •  “Director” means the Director of a campus;
  • “Institute” means the COMSATS University Islamabad;
  • “Officer In-charge of Student Affairs” means the Officer In-charge of Student Affairs, by whatever name called;
  • “Provost” means the Provost of the Institute;
  • “Rector” means the Rector of the Institute;
  • “ Student” means the student of the Institute.

All other terms and expressions used in these Regulations shall have the same meanings as are assigned to them under Section 2 of the COMSATS University Islamabad Ordinance, 2000.


  • In order to facilitate maintenance of student discipline on the campuses, following shall be the competent authorities:
  1. The Rector
  2. Discipline Committee
  3. The Directors
  4. Campus Discipline Committee
  5. Provost
  6. Officer In-charge of Student Affairs


  • (a) The Discipline Committee shall comprise the following members:
    1. The Rector or his/her nominee, as Chairman;
    2. Two Professors nominated by the Academic Council, as members;
    3. One member nominated by the Board, as member;
    4. The Provost, as member who shall also act as Secretary.
  • (b) The terms of office of the members of the Discipline Committee other than the ex-officio members shall be two years. The quorum for a meeting of the Discipline Committee shall be three members.

The functions of the Discipline Committee are to:

  • Propose Regulations to the Academic Council for the conduct of students, maintenance of discipline, and for dealing with cases of indiscipline; and
  • Perform such other functions as may be assigned to it by the Regulations.
  • The Campus Discipline Committee for each campus shall comprise the following members:
  1. The Director or his/her nominee, as Chairman;
  2. Three senior teachers to be nominated by the Director as members.
  3. The In-charge Student Affairs, as member who shall also act as Secretary.


  • The following, among others, shall constitute as acts of indiscipline cognizable under these Regulations:
  • Violation of public morals, such as use of indecent and abusive language; undesirable verbal remarks and vulgar gestures; acts of moral turpitude; disorderly behavior; quarreling; fighting; insolence towards others; use of force; breaking laws; etc.
  • Indulgence in acts that may cause insult or bodily injury to fellow students, teachers, officers, staff & other employees.
  • Defiance of lawful authority.
  • Spreading by word of mouth or written material religious, sectarian, ethnic, regional or linguistic conflict, or hatred.
  • Impersonation, giving false information, willful suppression of information, cheating, deceiving, plagiarizing.
  • Possession, carrying or use of any type of weapons/fire arms or explosive material in the premises of the campus.
  • Damaging campus property, including its buildings, equipment, vehicles, etc.
  • Using campus property, including its buildings, equipment, vehicles, etc. without lawful authority.
  • Encouraging, assisting or aiding another person to commit misconduct.
  • Possession, sale, distribution or consumption of intoxicants/drugs on campus.
  • Using of student organizations for furthering the cause of a political party.
  • Circulation by word of mouth or in written form material derogatory to Pakistan, Islam or any other religion.
  • Allowing or abetting entry of expelled/rusticated students or anti-social elements to the campus.
  • Obstructing the smooth functioning of the campus or causing disruption of curricular/co-curricular/ extracurricular activities.


  • Punishments or penalties for acts of indiscipline shall be commensurate with the gravity of the offence, and may be any one or combination of the following, or any other punishment or penalty deemed appropriate by the Discipline Committee, or Campus Discipline Committee, as the case may be:

            (a) Minor Punishments /Penalties

  • Censure or warning in writing.
  • Probation for a specified period.
  • A fine of under Rs 10,000 commensurate with the nature and extent of the act of indiscipline.
  • Withholding of a certificate of good moral character for a specified period.
  • Withholding benefits/privileges available to the students of the campus for a specified period.
  • Withholding of an examination result for a specified period.
  • Declining admission in the campus hostel.
  • Withdrawal of membership from students’ clubs/ societies.
  • Ban on representing the Campus and the Institute for a specified period.

            (b) Major Punishments / Penalties

  • A fine of over Rs10,000, commensurate with the nature and extent of the act of indiscipline.
  • Cancellation of financial benefits/ concessions for a specified period.
  • Suspension of admission and ban on entry into the campus for a specified period.
  • Cancellation of an examination result.
  • Rustication from the Institute for a specified period and ban on entry into the campus.
  • Expulsion from the Institute and ban on entry into the campus.


  • Acts of indiscipline shall be reported to the Discipline Committee or the Campus Discipline Committee, as the case may be, for dealing with the case, which shall follow the following procedure:
  • The Secretary Discipline Committee or Campus Discipline Committee, as the case may be, shall issue a show-cause notice to the student charged with an act of indiscipline.
  • The Discipline Committee or Campus Discipline Committee, as the case may be, shall ensure that the student against whom disciplinary proceedings have been initiated is given adequate opportunity to explain his/her conduct.
  • The Discipline Committee or Campus Discipline Committee, as the case may be, may ask, if necessary, the student(s) charged with an act of indiscipline to personally appear before the Committee.
  • In case the reply to the show-cause notice is not received within the specified time, or if the student concerned fails to appear before the Committee when so required, the Committee may take an ex-parte decision.
  • An appeal against the decision of the Discipline Committee or Campus Discipline Committee, may be filed with the Rector or Director, within 15 days of the notification of the decision.
  • The Rector or Director, as the case may be, shall dispose off the appeal himself/herself or refer it to an Appellate Committee, comprising three senior most teachers, for review. The decision of the Rector or Director, as the case may be, shall be final, who may also provide an opportunity of personal hearing to the student(s) charged with act(s) of indiscipline.
  • In order to create an effect of deterrence against acts of indiscipline, the notification of the decision of penalties may be placed on the campus notice board and/or in the public media.


The following are the residuary provisions of these Regulations:

  • Nothing provided in the clauses 11 (a) and 11 (b) shall restrict the powers of the Rector or the Director, as the case may be, to issue an immediate order without referring the case to the Discipline Committee or Campus Discipline Committee, as the case may be, and without following the normal procedure, if circumstances so require.
  • Any orders of imposition of penalty/penalties may be withdrawn and misconduct pardoned as may be considered necessary by the Rector or the Director, as the case may be, if after passing such orders the Rector or the Director, as the case may be, is satisfied that the penalized student has exhibited genuine repentance/remorse over his/her past conduct and has promised to demonstrate and ensure improved conduct in future.

CUI Hostel regulations, 2002

Hostel Regulations are hereby notified for the information and necessary action by all concerned.


1. Whereas it is expedient and in the interest of an efficient administration of CUI hostels the following regulations are provided.

(a)These regulations may be called ” CUI ” Hostel Regulations 2002″.
(b) These regulations shall come into force with immediate effect.


2. The following terms and expression unless repugnant to the context shall have the meanings assigned to them as under.

(a). “Hostels Discipline Committee” means the committee appointed by the Rector for the maintenance of discipline in the CUI hostel.
(b). “Officers In- Charge Student Affairs of the CUI.
(c). “Senior Warden “means and officer so appointed by the rector for the hostel management.
(d). “Provost” means the provost of the CUI.
(e). “CUT hostel” means a hostel established by the CUI for the residence of CUI students.
(f). “Mess Committee”means the committee constituted by the provost under to be framed by him/her.

All others expressions shall have same meanings as assigned to them under the CUI ordinance 2000.


3. Students admitted in the CUT teaching Institute/department for Bachelors and Master’s programs shall be eligible to apply for accommodation in the CUI hostels. All applicants shall file an affidavit along with their application posing that he/she.

(i). Has no permanent or temporary accommodation available to him/her in:
a) IslamabadlRawalpindi. (for Islamabad campus)
b) Abbottabad. (for Abbottabad campus)
c) Wah (for Wah campus)
d) Lahore. (for Lahore campus)

(ii). Is neither employed anywhere in any capacity in Islamabad/Rawalpindi/Wah/Lahore(as the case may be) nor receiving any house rent subsidy.

(iii). Is a bonafide resident of district.

Note: Any statement found to be false at any stage will entitle for failure of accommodation in CUI hostel forthwith without any hindrance or further correspondence

4. The students found to be in Bachelor’s and Master’s Programmes may be admitted for one semester at a time and continue up to maximum of semester subject to good behavior in hostel and satisfactory progress in class.

5. Students’ residents of CUI hostels shall pay hostel dues at rates approved by the Rector from time to time. They will be required to produce clearance certificate from the treasurer with regard to payment of dues before registration for courses in each semester.


6. Decency, good behavior and fellow feeling will be promoted by all residents of hostel and hostel administration subject to the general supervision and control of Warden/Provost.

7. The Provost may issue instruction from time to time for observing night timing for marking attendance.

8. a) Written permission from the warden will be necessary for staying outside the hostel.
b) In case of absence from the hostel for a week, the defaulting resident of the hostel may forfeit his accommodation and the warden may open the lock and deposit the luggage for safe custody and draw up an inventory to the Provost.

9. Playing of music, making noise or indulging in rowdy behavior which may; cause inconvenience or be a nuisance to other residents of the hostel is strictly abided at the cost of fine and the warning or “in chronic cases” a report may be made to the Provost for a reference to the Hostel Discipline Committee for a minor punishment after due process.


10. The following will be acts of minor discipline:
(a) Impersonation, giving false information, willful suppression of information, cheating or deceiving.
(b) Violation of public morals such as the use of indecent and filthy language, undesirable remarks and gestures
(c) Playing of music, making noise or indulging in rowdy behavior or be a nuisance which may cause inconvenience to other residents of hostel.
(d) Changing the duly allotted room without prior permission in writing from the Provost.

11. Following will be treated as serious acts of indiscipline eligible for warning major punishment or in case of cognizable offences action under law:

(a) Possession, custody or access to. liquor, drugs or intoxicants of any kind, gambling application, lethal instruments of any description, explosive or fire arms.
(b) Causing damage to. furniture, fixtures of the hostel by any act of omission or Commission.
(c) Tempering with machinery or unauthorized use to. CUI vehicles or removing them from the custody of an authorized CUI employee.
(d) Adding, abetting or facilitating trespass in the hostel by an unauthorized person under any circumstances.
(e) Acts involving moral turpitude or cognizable offences.
(f) Defiance of authority and breach of discipline.
(g) Acts like abusing, quarreling fighting, insolence towards others, use of force.
(h) Indulgence in acts, which may cause insult or physical injury to. the students, teachers, officers, staff of CUI or any other person
(i) Spreading by words of mouth or written material religious, sectarian, ethnic, regional, gender, or linguistic conflicts/hatred
j) Possession, carrying or use of a type of weapons/fire arms or explosive material within the CUI premises including hostels.
(k) Damaging any CUI property, including building, equipment, and vehicles etc, In any manner.
(I) Using any CUI property including building, equipment, and vehicles etc, without any authority.
(m) Sale, distribution or consumption of intoxicants on the hostels/campus.
(n) Circulation by word of mouth or in written form material derogatory to. Pakistan, Islam or any other religion.
(o) Obstructing the functioning of the CUI or causing disruption of peaceful atmosphere and other activities in hostels
(p) Providing shelter to illegal/unauthorized occupants in hostel


(a) Subject to. maintenance of proper standards of health and sanitation , food services may be provided to. the residents of hostels under the supervision, control and direction of Provost through a Mess Committee to be constituted by the Provost under rules to be framed by him.
(b) Cleanliness, sanitation and anti-epidemic arrangements will be inspected by Provost.


13. In order to. maintain students’ discipline in the hostels, the following shall be the Competent Authority:
(a) Rector.
(b) CUI Discipline Committee
(c) Hostel Discipline Committee
(d) Provost
14. The Hostel Discipline Committee shall be constituted by the Rector and consists of a Professor to be appointed by the Rector as Chairman, the Provost and two senior faculty members.
15. The Hostel Discipline Committee/Provost shall have the authority to impose punishment in case breach of discipline regarding minor offences committed within the hostel premises.


16. (a) Provost may impose a fine not exceeding Rs. 500/-on the spot for any act of indiscipline committed within the hostel premises or violation of hostel rules.
(b) The acts of discipline, which warrant imposition of major penalties/punishments, will be reported by the Provost to the Officer In-charge of Students Affairs for processing by the CUI Discipline Committee.
(c) For cases falling under the purview of the Hostel Discipline Committee, will issue a show-cause notice to the student(s) charged with an act of indiscipline.
(d) The Hostel Discipline Committee will ensure that the student against whom disciplinary proceedings have been initiated is given adequate opportunity to explain his /her conduct.
(e) The Hostel Discipline Committee may ask, if necessary, the student(s) charged with an act of indiscipline to appear before the committee.
(t) In case the reply to the show-cause notice is not received within the specified time, or if the resident concerned fails to appear before the committee when so required, the committee will take an ex-parte decision.
(g) In order to create an effect of deterrence against- acts of indiscipline, the notification of the decision of punishment and penalties will be placed on the CUI notice boards and where necessary, in the National press. A copy of the notification shall also be sent to:
1. Chairman of the department concerned.
2. Controller of Examination.
3. Registrar.
4. Treasurer.
5. Parents/Guardian.


17. Punishment or penalty for act of indiscipline shall be in accordance with the gravity of the case , and may include anyone or more of the following ,or any other as determined by the Discipline Committee.
(i) Minor Penalties/Punishments
(a) Censuring or warning in writing.
(b) Rustication from the hostel for a maximum period not exceeding one semester.
(c) A fine up to Rs. 2000/-
(d) Deprivation from the benefits/privileges enjoyed by the student(s).
(e) With holding of examination results
(ii) Major Penalties /Punishments
(a) Fine commensurate with nature and extent of misconduct.
(b) Cancellation of hostel accommodation.
(c) Cancellation of financial benefits/concessions.
(d) Suspension of admission and ban on entry in the premises of the CUI for a specific period.
(e) Rustication from the CUI for a specific period and ban on entry into the CUI campus.
(f) Expulsion from the CUI and ban on entry into the CUI Campus.


(a) Students/residents are expected to develop the benefit of self discipline. They shall not conduct themselves in a manner, which may interfere with the study and convenience of the fellow residents or injure their feelings. Nothing can make social life pleasant except by loss courtesy and mutual consideration.
(b) Rooms shall be kept clean and tidy by the residents.
(c) The Residents are advised not to kept large sums of money with them.
The hostel authorities will not be responsible for any theft or loss of valuable/ornaments.
(d) Complaints, if any, against the misbehavior of bearers/sweepers should be reported to the warden. Residents are not allowed to use abusive language or physical force against them.
(e) The lights in the rooms must be switched off when not in use.
(f) Residents are not allowed to take away Newspapers from the Newspapers stand to their rooms.
(g) Guests for staying over night or providing shelter to an unauthorized illegal outsider in the hostel is strictly prohibited.
(h) Use of electric heaters and air conditioners will not be allowed.
(I) F or the recreation of residents there is a common room in each hostel where arrangements for indoor games are made. A committee to be constituted by the Provost shall be responsible for these activities.