
CUI Abbottabad

  /  Scholarship   /  Trainings   /  20th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON FRONTIERS OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Lahore, Pakistan



Due to numerous requests, the submission deadline has been extended to August 18, 2023.

FIT 2023 on December 11–12, 2023

We’d like to invite you to submit your papers for the 20th International Conference on Frontiers of Information Technology (FIT’23) to be held from December 11-12, 2023, at Lahore, the cultural capital of Pakistan. COMSATS University, Islamabad (CUI) has been organizing this prestigious event for the last nineteen years. Familiarity with technology is mandatory to enable a person to live and to cope with challenges of the modern world and ICT bridges the gap to cope with the said challenges. This conference is a premier forum for the presentation and exchange of experiences and innovative ideas in the field of Information and Communication Technologies.

The conference is annually organized with the principal aim of focusing on modern trends pertaining to computer sciences, engineering, and other related areas. The event initially was organized as an international workshop for six years and was then upgraded to an international conference. The first international workshop on Frontiers of Information Technology was organized by COMSATS University Islamabad (CUI), Pakistan (formerly known as COMSATS Institute of Information Technology (CIIT)) in collaboration with professors from the University of Illinois, Chicago, and Purdue University and was sponsored by HEC and NSF. Since its inception, the conference provided a cohesive networking opportunity as well as a forum where state-of-the-art research in the area of Information and Communication Technology is shared.

FIT’23 is Technically co-sponsored by IEEE Lahore section. The previous editions of the conference have been technically co-sponsored by IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IEEE Computer Society, and IEEE Islamabad Section.

All accepted papers will be published on IEEE Xplore. Conference content will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore as well as other Abstracting and Indexing (A&I) databases.

The proceedings of previous conferences on Frontiers of Information Technology are available at:

Important Dates


Technical Paper/Tutorial Proposals/PhD Symposium Paper due July 15, 2023, August 18, 2023
Notification of Acceptance September 20, 2023, October 6, 2023
Camera Ready due October 30, 2023
Conference Dates December 11-12, 2023


Call for Papers:

FIT 2023, commencing on 11 December 2023 for two days, promises to be another exciting event that will broaden the research horizon by providing international research collaborations. FIT 2023 will have the honor to host leading researchers not only from Pakistan but also from the rest of the world. The Technical Conference Program consists of the following major tracks covering all aspects of the said theme: 


  • Modeling & Simulation for Emerging Technologies
  • Signal Processing & Next Generation Communication Systems
  • Smart Grid, Energy & Electronics
  • Data Science & Advanced Analytics
  • Pattern Recognition, Image & Natural Language Processing
  • Adaptive Systems, Networks, IoT & Cloud Computing
  • Software Engineering
  • Network, Cyber & Information Security
  • Water Informatics and Communication Technology
  • Remote Health Monitoring and Prediction Systems

Researchers and practitioners with interest in any of the above-stated tracks are invited to submit their original unpublished work as per IEEE conference proceeding format latest by August 18, 2023. Submitted papers will go through an intensive peer review process on the criteria of originality and relevance of work.

Call for Ph.D. Symposium:

The FIT 2023 PhD Symposium will provide a unique opportunity for PhD students, working in all areas of Information Technology, to present their ongoing research work to renowned and experienced researchers. The objective of the PhD symposium is to provide a platform, where students can expose, discuss, and evaluate their ideas by interacting with the experts from similar domains. Moreover, students can create a network by establishing a supportive community of researchers.

To participate in the symposium, the PhD students are invited to send a short paper (extended abstract) related to their ongoing research. Reviewers on the PhD Symposium Panel will review the short paper to decide regarding the acceptance or rejection of the paper. Accepted papers will be invited for oral presentation.


Call for Tutorials:

The Organizing Committee FIT 2023 also invites proposals for tutorials to be held during the conference, December 11-12, 2023. The organizing committee seeks proposals on emerging subjects in the area of information technology. The tutorial will be of 2 hours or a half day. The ideal tutorial should attract a wide range of audience. The tutorials should cover the topic in depth, and it should not be the current work of the presenter or some commercial presentation. The following information is required to be presented in the proposal:Title of tutorial:
Topic description:
Aims and learning objectives:
Profile/CV of the presenter:
Contact information:

For more information and regular updates visit the conference website at:

OR our facebook page iersofinformationtechnology

OR follow us on twitter @fit_cui

We hope you’ll also encourage your colleagues, research group members and fellow scientists to contribute and participate in this conference.


Looking forward to your contributions.


Thanks and best regards,


Department of Computer Science,

COMSATS University Islamabad, Lahore Campus,

Defence Road, Off Raiwind Road Lahore – Pakistan


Phone:  (042) 111 001 007, Ext. 251.

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