
CUI Abbottabad

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COMSATS University, Abbottabad Campus, organized a seminar on mental health and its awareness

The Department of Humanities, COMSATS University Islamabad, Abbottabad Campus, organized a seminar on mental health and its awareness, entitled, “Mental Health and Well being: A Global Priority” on November 1, 2022. The theme of the seminar was to prioritize mental and psychological health and well being  across the world. Recently, the world has witnessed an upsurge of issues related to mental health such as anxiety and depression, specifically during the pandemic of Covid 19 and it is the need of the hour to address the health and well being of people at the global level.

On behalf of CUI  Abbottabad and the department of Humanities, the Head of the Department, Dr. Nasir Ali Khan welcomed the distinguished guests, resource persons, faculty and students and lauded the department’s efforts in organizing the event.

The key-note speaker, Dr. Mamoona Rasheed, clinical psychologist at Ayub Medical College was invited for the occasion. She educated the audience about the importance of mental health at every stage of life, from childhood to adolescence through adulthood. She inculcated that as responsible citizens, it is our social responsibility to reduce the stigma around mental illnesses and mental health conditions by showing resilience to the mental and psychological issues

The occasion was graced by the Campus Director, Prof. Dr. Maroof Shah. His generous support for the sponsorship of the seminar is worthy of appreciation. During his address, he assured the unabated support to the department for organizing such events. The culture of silence among people who feel unhealthy, lonely, and depressed should be broken down and they should be encouraged to talk about their unhealthy feelings with their peers,  friends, relatives or colleagues. She said that tabooing and stigmatization worsen the illness.

He also appreciated  the Department  of Humanities for organizing the event, especially the faculty and the students of BS Psychology for initiating the cause at its nascent stage. 

Special focus of the seminar was the stage performance of the students of BS Psychology, theming, ‘Break the Stigma’ and psychological drama focusing on the effects of depression on students’ lives.   

A vote of thanks was proposed by Convener Departmental Event Management Committee,  Mr. Babar Khan Jadoon.

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