
CUI Abbottabad

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Professional Development Workshop for the Security Personnel 28 February 2024

Refresher sessions on professional development are a necessity for the employees of the institute. For this reason, convener workshops Dr Syed Zulfiqar Ali Zaidi and his team under the guidelines of the campus Director Dr Mohammad Maroof Shah, arranged a Professional Development Workshop on 28 February 2024 for the Security Staff working at CUI Abbottabad. The resource persons who took out time and made efforts to make the session fruitful were Dr Jamil Anwar, who spoke on the Ethics and Behaviour of Security Staff, and Mr Adam Zahoor, who shed light on communication skills required in the security team at CUI Abbottabad campus.

The workshop started with the recitation of the Holy Quran. Security section head, Mr Aqeel Abbas began the first session and guided his team on the day-to-day expectations from security and security-related issues. He advised them to be on time and be vigilant in their duties. He was followed by Dr Jamil Anwar, Assistant Professor at the Management Sciences department. He presented on ethics and behavior expected of the security staff. He explained the overall conduct and behavior on campus in the presence of students and faculty. He advised them on loyalty, and ownership with the institute.

Mr Adam Zahoor shared the basic communication skills required from security personnel. Body language and gestures constitute the major portion of the communication. Keeping the volume and content of the speech in check while addressing different types of audience.

Representative of the DPO Abbottabad, Dr Muhammad Umar attended the closing session. He lauded the efforts of the security staff at CUI Abbottabad while keeping peace on the campus as well as the city. He gave his full support whenever required. In closing remarks, the Campus Director appreciated the efforts of all the organizers and encouraged the security personnel to do their best. Souvenirs were presented to the guests and acknowledgment shields were awarded to the resource persons. Refreshments were served at the end of the session.

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