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Session on Entrepreneurship for Special People of Hazara Region

24 November 2021

COMSATS University Islamabad, Abbottabad Campus conducted a training session on “Entrepreneurship” for the Physically challenged people of the Hazara Division on 24 November 2021. The session was mutually organized by Ms Komal Khan (CEO), Creative Opportunity and Dr Syed Afzal Moshadi Shah, In-Charge Student Startup Business Center (SSBC), COMSATS University Islamabad, Abbottabad Campus. The session was attended by more than 50 physically challenged people.

Dr. Syed Afzal Moshadi Shah introduced the concept of entrepreneurship to the participants, highlighted its importance, linked it with real-world examples and how it can be beneficial for physically challenged people. The participants were explained how internet technology provides a level field ground to physically challenged individuals. To motivate the participant’s video of successful Stephen Hopkins, Nick Vujicic and Peter Hayden Dinklage were shown. The participants fully enjoyed the session and acknowledged that the session has increased their learning on “Entrepreneurship”. They have also shown a resolve that they will use this learning in their future initiatives. In the closing remarks, Ms. Komal Khan thanked COMSATS and Prof. Dr Imtiaz Ali Khan sb Director COMSATS for facilitating this workshop and giving special care and hospitality.

Merit Prof. Dr. Imtiaz Ali Khan, Director COMSATS University Islamabad, Abbottabad Campus in his closing remarks encouraged the participants how to live a successful life, shared examples from personal life to boost the participants. He also assured to facilitate special people in every capacity. He also extended his full support to Created Opportunity for every initiative they will take for special people.

Souvenirs were presented to Ms. Komal Khan, CEO Creative Opportunity by the director, CUI, Abbottabad Campus.

For pictures, please visit the following link:

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